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By September 11, 2014December 17th, 2014Newsletter

Welcome Back

We welcome you back after the Summer Holidays and trust that you are feeling refreshed and ready for the coming term. May we extend a special welcome to our new children, parents and carers as we look forward to working with you in your child’s learning. It has been wonderful to see the children settle into their new classes and observe them working enthusiastically on their new topics. We thank you for your support in their education at the beginning of this school year.


It is always a pleasure to welcome parents/carers into school to help with various activities. Children love to bake, share a book, sew or enjoy working with the fabulous resources we have in school. If you would like to volunteer to spend a few hours a week in your child’s classroom, please speak to their teacher or a member of staff who will be more than happy to accept your offer.


Each child in Year 1 & 2 has received a Topic Letter outlining the learning plan for their year group and homework will be set weekly and outlined in the Newsletter. Foundation Stage 2 will receive their topic letter this week and homework will begin next week, once the children have had time to settle in to their new routine.

Year 1 Homework

Could you please research some famous robots and draw a picture of one in your homework book? Make sure you remember to label them.

Year 2 Homework

Could you research the ‘Robin Hood Song’ using and then make or draw something that Robin Hood would use or wear. i.e. bow & arrow, cap.


At the beginning of the school year may we politely remind parents/carers to park safely and with respect to local residents when leaving your vehicles around the school premises. The police make regular patrols and will issue parking notices where necessary.

Disabled Parking

We have disabled parking access in the car park outside the Dining Hall at the front of school, to be used with permission only. Access has been obstructed this week due to cars blocking the entrance causing considerable inconvenience to users. Please do not leave your vehicle outside the gates, even if they are closed. Thank you

Book Club – Every Thursday

We would like to remind you that we have some fantastic volunteers who kindly run a weekly book club for our pupils. Every child has the opportunity to visit the club and can make a small payment each week to save for a book. It is a wonderful way of introducing your child to the concept of saving and has the added bonus of receiving a fabulous book for them to read or share with others.


The safety and well being of our children is paramount and therefore there are rules in places for their protection and also for the safety of anyone who enters the school premises. Please remember that all doors will be closed at 9am prompt and that anyone arriving after this time should report to the office in main reception. The gates will be closed at 9.10am. Also, we would remind you that although we welcome your little ones in school when you are dropping off/collecting older children, any pushchairs should be left outside. There is a buggy shelter outside main reception and locks are available on request.


If your child needs an inhaler please make sure that it is brought to school in the original box with the pharmacist’s label still attached. Most doctors will issue a spare so that one can remain in school. A medical authorisation form also needs to be completed and signed by the parent/guardian giving permission for your child to administer the required dose.


Due to health and safety we would ask that children do not wear necklaces, bracelets or rings for school, this includes loom bands. Items are often mislaid and we can accept no responsibility when this happens. However, children are allowed to wear watches and small stud earrings. These need to be removed during PE so if your child is unable to do this by themselves, please make sure that they are not worn on PE days. Teachers are not allowed to remove them for your child.


Every Friday we hold an assembly to recognise the achievements and positive behaviour of our children. This includes the accomplishments of your children outside school. Therefore, please inform us of any current achievements that we can praise. Maybe your child has recently received a medal in a sporting activity or taken their Brownie promise? They are welcome to bring it into school and we will endeavour to include it in our assembly.