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Newsletter 10 – Spring Term 19th March
Happy Home Learning & Foundation 2 Homework
Next week we will be very busy doing Easter activities and on Friday we will be holding our very own Easter bonnet parade. Your homework this weekend is to design and make your own Easter bonnet ready to show on Friday. You could ask your grown up to help you. We look forward to seeing your beautiful creations.
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – We have been thinking about Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs stories by Ian Whybrow. Can you think of a good setting I you were going to write a story?
Maths – Can you investigate number bonds to 10/20? What goes with 1 to make 10?
Year 2 Homework
Maths – We have been working on division. Can you draw some division stories?
e.g. 12 ÷ 3 = 4
  = 
Literacy – Choose your own animal/sea creature and write your own riddle. Decorate it and make it beautiful.
Reading – Please read your reading book and Spotty book 3 times a week. Remember you can have a dip in the treasure box when you read regularly.
Easter Celebrations
Providing the weather is fine, Year 1 & 2 will be visiting St Francis’ Church on the morning of 27th March for an Easter Celebration. Please make sure your child is wearing sensible shoes and has their coat as we will be walking there and back.
Easter Bonnet Parade
Next Friday we will be holding an Easter Bonnet Parade for all the children. The children will have the chance to parade around, looking spectacular and there will be a prize for the best Bonnet in each class. Please bring your creations to school on Friday (27th).
FABSS Easter Eggstravaganza
Fabss would appreciate donations of buns on the morning of 25th March. Please bring to school reception. There are also a few places left for next week’s Easter Eggstravaganza. Please book online at or contact 07948 998236.
Class of the week 9th to 13th March
Congratulations the children in Class 9 who achieved an attendance level of 96.7% and are ‘Class of the Week’.
Comic Relief Red Nose Day
We would like to thank you once again for your tremendous support for the charities that we have raised money for recently. Last week our non-uniform day and bun sale raised a total of £568.40. We will be sending £417.20 to Comic Relief and £151.20 to The Kenyan Appeal. We would also like to say a special thank you to Mrs Bailey who won the staff sweepstake of £23 and has kindly donated the money to Comic Relief.
Foundation Stage Visit
On Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th April, Foundation stage 1 and 2 will be visiting The Yorkshire Wildlife Park in Doncaster. Letters with further details will be sent out next week informing you of the cost and which day your child will be attending the visit.
Home Learning
We would like to remind you to make use of the espresso website where you will find lots of interesting resources, facts and educational quizzes especially designed to help your child access learning at home. You can either click on the link on our website or directly, choosing the espresso option on the drop down menu. Username – student27402 Password – bramley.
Parents Consultation Evenings – Week commencing 23rd March
If you have not already done so please remember to select a time on the sheets outside the classroom. Thank you
Parent Forum
The next Parent Forum will be held on Monday 20th April at 9am. All welcome.
St Francis’ Church
All children are once again welcome to attend ‘Messy Church’ at St Francis’ Church on Good Friday 11pm to 1pm. Food, drinks games and fellowship are included. Thank you
Solar Eclipse
Diary Dates
Parent Consultation Week Monday 23rd to Thursday 26th March
FABSS Easter Eggstravaganza Wednesday 25th March
Break up for Easter Holidays Friday 27th March
Back to school for Summer Term Monday 13th April
Parent Forum Meeting Monday 20th April @ 9am