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Newsletter 4 – Spring Term January 29th 2015
Happy Home Learning.
This week’s rhyme challenge is the Grand Old Duke of York. Please help your child to sing the rhyme which will be coming home with them today. This week we have been busy learning about height and length. Can you help your child to discover and learn who the tallest person in your house is? Who the shortest person in your house is? Are they taller or shorter than a door? Are they taller or shorter than an armchair? Are they taller or shorter than a window sill? Enjoy your Happy Home Learning.
Foundation 2
Literacy – This week we have been learning about Jack and the beanstalk. Could you have a go at making trump cards for the characters with your child and practise writing a sentence about the story? Your child can write this independently by listening and recording the sounds in words.
We have also learnt the new sounds oo, ar, or, air, ir, ou. Ask your child about the tricky oo, sounds can they tell you the two sounds?
Numeracy – This week we have been learning about measuring. The children have evaluated the different things that we can measure with eg. cubes, hand spans, arms, paper clips, etc. Can you practise measuring different items around the home with non-standard measures and record in your homework books? Talk about the language of size eg. long, tall, short, small, biggest, etc.
Year 1 Homework
Phonics Practise reading, writing and spelling the following exception words – says, said, he and she. Can you spot them out and about?
Literacy Have a look at examples of comic strips and steal some ideas. Look at speech bubbles, time connectives (like later that day) bold print and action words e.g POW, BANG etc
Numeracy Create your own subtraction number rhyme. You could use the song ’10 green bottles’ as a basis. Don’t forget to illustrate them too!
Year 2 Homework
Spellings Can you write some past tense words, remember the ed endings.
Numeracy Can you hold a number in your head and count on. Can you write it as a number sentence? E.g 35+7=
Literacy Can you research some planet facts ready for next week. You could present it as a poster, use the computer or even make a little book.
Class of the week – January 19th to 23rd January 2015
Mrs French’s class attained a level of 99% and are ‘Class of the Week’. Well done!
Spare Clothes
If you have any spare school uniform that your child has outgrown we would be glad to take it off your hands for use in school. We particularly need boy’s trousers, girl’s tights, pants and underpants. Also, please make sure any borrowed items are returned to school as soon as possible. Thank you
NSPCC Sponsor Forms
We are thrilled to inform you that our fabulous fundraising efforts have so far raised £1,243.80 for the NSPCC. We would like to thank all families and friends who have supported this venture. Lynda, the representative from NSPCC, will be visiting school on Monday to say a huge thank you. If you have not handed in your sponsor form, there is still time. Any outstanding forms should be sent to school, with the money raised, by Monday morning.
Wickersley Kids Club
Wickersley Kids Club is moving premises to the Sure Start centre, Flanderwell. They will also be starting a Breakfast Club from 1st April 2015 as well as Holiday Clubs and After School Clubs throughout the year. For further details visit the website or email
Parents Forum
As part of our work on the parent charter we would like to form a parent’s forum to discuss some of the suggestions made by parents via their feedback. If you are interested in being part of this forum please indicate on the slip below and return to school. The first meeting will be on Friday 6th February at 9am

I am interested in being part of the parent’s forum and will be attending the meeting on Friday 6th February

Name of Child……………………………………………………………. Class………………………………………………………

Name of Parent……………………………………………………………………………