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Newsletter 6 – Spring Term February 12th 2015

Happy Home Learning
This week’s rhyme challenge is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Your child will be bringing home the rhyme today for you to practice singing together over the break. They will also be bringing home their name card and a phonics sheet to help them practice writing their name over the half term.
Foundation 2 Homework
Literacy – This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year. The children have learnt about traditional Chinese dress, have sampled Chinese food and read the story of the Chinese New Year. See if they can tell you any facts about Chinese New Year. Can they write a sentence in their homework book?
We are continuing practising segmenting and blending with the phonic sounds that we already know and practising reading and writing VC and CVC words. This week we have recapped on the digraphs/friendly letters that we have been learning, ay, ee, oo, oo, ar, or, air, ir, ou, oy, igh.
Numeracy -This week we have been practising adding together two small numbers. We have used objects to count a total and we have used a number line to count on. We have talked about the numbers getting bigger and used the mathematical language of add, plus, equals and all together. You could practise adding up objects around you at home, e.g. knives and forks at the table.
Year 1 & 2 Homework
On Tuesday 17th February we will all enjoy eating our pancakes. Could you research ‘Shrove Tuesday’ and find out why we celebrate by eating pancakes? Also, find out the ingredients that you need to make pancakes and think of some ideas that will make them interesting or funny to look at and tasty to eat. Maybe you could add some food colouring or make them in different shapes and sizes or arrange your toppings to make a picture. We would love to hear about your creations and you could even take a picture and bring it to school after half term so that we can see how scrumptious they were.
Parent Forum
Thank you to everyone who attended our first meeting and expressed interest in becoming part of our Parent Forum. We will be sending further information to you shortly. The date of our next meeting is Monday 2nd March at 4pm and the same meeting will be repeated on Friday 6th March at 9am. If you were unable to attend the initial meeting but would like to get involved we would be more than happy to welcome you in March. Thank you.
Class of the week
Congratulations to Mrs Stothard’s class who are ‘Class of the week’ with a level of 99.3%. Mrs Stothard’s class are also currently in the lead for ‘Class of the year’ with a level of 97.3%. Mrs Turner’s class are in 2nd place with a level of 96.5% and Miss Dawson’s class are in 3rd place with 95.5%. There is still plenty of time for the other classes to catch up and remember that every absence makes a difference. The class with the highest level at the end of the school year will all have a dip in the treasure box.
There are currently 133 children who have 100% attendance for the Spring Term and 47 children who have 100% attendance for the current school year. We are very proud of them all.
Comic Relief Red Nose Day
On Friday 12th March we will be celebrating Red Nose Day (details to follow). Red noses will be on sale from the office in reception for a donation of £1 after the half term break.
FABSS would appreciate any unwanted (unopened) Christmas gifts you may have, e.g. Smellies or gift sets. Items can be handed in at the school office.
Diary Dates
School closes for Half Term Friday 13th February 2015
Inset Day Monday 23rd February
Back to School Tuesday 24th February
Parent Forum Meeting Monday 2nd March 4pm
Parent Forum Meeting Friday 6th March 9am
Year 2 visit to The Deep Friday 6th March
Red Nose Day Friday 12th March
Break up for Easter Holidays Friday 27th March
Back to school for Summer Term Monday 13th April