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By July 3, 2014December 17th, 2014Newsletter

Happy Home Learning

This week we have been learning to count hops, claps and steps. Please help your child to continue their number learning at home by counting footsteps. How many footsteps from your house to the bottom of your garden?  Your front door to your bedroom? Your kitchen to your bathroom? What happens to the number if you take bigger steps? Practise writing these numbers at home.

FS2 Homework

Literacy – This week we have been helping Superman by writing instructions on how to make a magic potion to bring him round as he was found unconscious! Can you write your own instructions at home? Have a go at making a yummy sandwich and then write instructions for a friend to follow.

Maths – We have been consolidating one more and one less and even 2 more and 2 less. Sing some number songs at home like 10 little men in a flying saucer and 10 little speckled frogs. Then have a go at making your own number line to 10 or 20 (in your homework book) get a little object and help them jump one or two more/less across your line.

**Please remember to put your homework book in the basket on the welcome table**

Year 1 Homework

Maths – See how many ways you can make 10 (using numbers 0-10). Try finding 3 numbers that make 10 and then maybe even 4 numbers.

Literacy – Create your very own ‘Neverland’ story. Include the characters Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and Captain Hook. Remember capital letters, finger spaces and punctuation.

Year 2 Homework

Spellings – attention, creation, celebration, conversation, exploration           congratulations.

Phonics – Can you write down as many words as you can think of that include tion?

Maths – Play your multiplication lotto game that you have made at school or have fun making a new one!

Reading Books

We have a number of reading books missing from school. Could you please check at home and return any that you might have accumulated? Thank you


As you are aware attendance in school is monitored on a regular basis and we make every effort to ensure that we meet our target of 95.5%. We like to keep parents up to date with their child’s attendance and will always inform you if their level drops to an unsatisfactory level. We also like to reward those who

have excellent attendance and therefore we are thrilled that 19 pupils have achieved 100% attendance for the school year and that a further 29 pupils achieved a level at 99% or over. We are very proud of them all.

A summary of attendance for your child will be attached to their record of achievement, giving an overall attendance for the school year to 27th June 2014. Please note that these levels are recorded on your child’s file and will be taken into consideration when monitoring begins once more in September.

Class of the Week 23rd to 27th June 2014

Well done to all the children in Mrs Bonnington/Mrs Jones’s class. You have attained an attendance level of 96.7% and are ‘Class of the Week’

Class of the Year

Mrs Stothard’s class have without doubt been super stars this year having been ‘Class of the Week’ on numerous occasions. Therefore, it will come as no surprise that they are ‘Class of the Year’ with an overall attendance level of 96.7% and can each look forward to a free dip in the treasure box.

FABSS Summer Fair

Fabss would like to thank everyone for their support at the Summer Fair yesterday. The total amount raised will be announced in due course.

Dinner Money

For the last 2 weeks of the school year, could anyone paying for school dinners please send the exact payment of £9.25 as over payments cannot be carried forward. Anyone who is in credit will be refunded on Monday 7th July 2014.

Planned Strike Day – Thursday 10th July

We will inform you of the arrangements for strike day as soon as possible. Please make sure your mobile numbers are up to date and that you keep listening to the national news for updates. We apologise for any inconvenience the potential closure will cause. (Please note reserve sports day may be affected).

Diary Dates                                  

Tuesday 8th July @ 9.30am                           FS2, Y1 & Y2 Sports Day

(Reserve day Thursday 10th)

Tuesday 8th July 3.15am to 5.30pm                            Parent Walkabout

Friday 11th July @ 9.30am (AM Children)             FS1 Sports Day1.30pm (PM Children)

(Reserve day Monday 14th)

Tuesday 15th July @ 2pm                              Y2 Leavers Assembly

Wednesday 16th July @ 2pm (Invite only)

Bramley’s Got Talent FinalFriday 18th July @ 2.30pm                            School closes for Summer Break