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I am Mrs Fitzgerald and I am the Senior Mental Health and PSHE Lead in school. I am passionate that every child should achieve their full potential. I want all children to have the skills and resilience to blossom and grow in our big wide world, facing any challenges which may arise throughout their life!

PSHE at Bramley Sunnyside Infant School

PSHE In Action

Discovering how we can conquer life and be brave through stories.

“I am grateful for all the grown up’s they help me with my work and reading”

Achieving our School Values.

“I do myhappymind at home before bed and at the weekend. It helps me to feel calm my happy breathing helps me to feel calm”

Addressing separation and reassuring children that even when we are not physical present their loved ones are still connected with an invisible string.

“love and kindness are my character strengths”

Key Documents