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Science Lead

I am Mrs Rothwell and I lead Science in school. I believe Science is a wonderful way of investigating, discovering and being curious about the world around us. I find it extremely exciting and interesting as it is a subject that is never ending and no person will ever know everything about science.

Science at Bramley Sunnyside Infant School

Science In Action

At the farm, learning about the different animals. We found out what they eat and about their habitats.

EYFS Child – “We  go outside and find bugs and creepy things. I love wiggly worms.”

Learning about the life cycle of a chicken. Betty the chicken came to visit us.

Year 1 child – “I love science because we go outside and talk about nature. David Attenborough is a scientist.”

Year 2 child – “We do experiments and talk about them. Now we are learning about  animals and their habitats.”

“The worms are in the mud. They eat soil and leaves.”

Key Documents