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Newsletter 1 – Spring Term 5th January

By January 5, 2017School News

Newsletter 1– Spring Term 5th January

Welcome Back
We welcome you back after the Christmas Holidays and wish you a very happy and healthy New Year. We look forward to the coming term and working together to support your child’s education. Please look out for the ‘Topic Letters’ which outline what your child will be learning over the coming weeks.
Happy Home Learning
We are looking at the ‘number one’. Can you discuss what it looks like and how to write it down? When you are out and about, see if you can spot it on car number plates or in the supermarket etc.
Foundation Stage 2
Literacy – We have started to learn letter names. Can you practise singing the alphabet song and then learn the letter sound of the first letter in your name and family name.
Numeracy – We have been looking at 1 pences. Can you make your own shop, selling items with single digit numbers e.g. 2p, 5p, 8p etc
Year 1
Spellings – he, here, friend, was, see, tree, winter, cold, icy.
Please practise each word three times and write a separate sentence for each word.
Maths – We have been learning about “teens” numbers 10 – 19. Can you recognise each one and say, write and draw what it is made of
e.g. 14 is 10 and 4 more
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Literacy – Can you research one of the following famous pirates? What made them famous? What did they look like? What interesting facts can you find out about them?
Blackbeard, Anne Bonny and Black Bart.
Maths – Please practise your number bonds to 10 and 20 by playing the ‘Hit the Button’ game on Topmarks.
Bluebell Wood Donations
Once again we thank you for your generosity and are thrilled to inform you that £210 was raised for Bluebell Wood from the donations made at our Christmas performances.
Class of the Week – 12th to 16th December
Well done to Class 10 who achieved a level of 98.5% and are Class of the Week.
Monthly Attendance – November
The overall level of attendance achieved for November is 96.8% which exceeds the expected level of 96% and is a significant improvement when compared to the level achieved in November 2015 of 94.1%.
Stay & Learn Sessions – Foundation Stage 1
The dates for the Stay & Play sessions are listed in ‘Diary Dates’. Further details will be on the Topic Letter which you will receive shortly.
100% Attendance Awards
We are very proud of the 78 children who have achieved 100% attendance for the Autumn Term. The certificates will be presented in our Gold Book assembly next week. We are very proud of you.

Diary Dates
Thursday 19th January Year 2 visit to The Deep
Thursday 16th February Break up for Half Term
Friday 17th February Inset Day
Monday 27th February Return to School

Stay & Play Sessions FS1
Wednesday 25th January YELLOW team stay & play session.
Wednesday 1st February BLUE team stay & play session
Wednesday 8th February RED team stay & play session