Newsletter 12 – Spring Term 23rd March
Foundation Stage 1 & 2
Have you started to make your Easter Bonnet yet? Don’t forget to make a design in your homework book first. We are looking forward to seeing you wearing your bonnets next week.
Year 1
Reading – Please read your reading books.
Spellings – she he you come have one two three spotty slimy bumpy
Write each word in a sentence to check you know how to spell it.
Maths – Can you write some simple addition and subtraction problems for your child to solve?
e.g. True or false
6 + 3 = 10 7 – 3 = 4 prove why the answer is right or wrong or draw a line to match the calculation to the correct answer
2 + 4 = 10
6 – 3 = 6
5 + 5 = 3
Year 2
Maths – Can you make a sandwich then cut the sandwich in half? Cut it in half again so that it is in quarters. Can you eat ¼ of the sandwich and tell your grown up what fraction of the sandwich is left? Eat the next quarter. What fraction have you eaten? What fraction is left? Repeat this until the whole sandwich has been eaten.
Literacy – We will be retelling the Easter Story next week in literacy. Please research the story. If you do not have a copy of the story at home, there is a version on the Topmarks Website at that you could read together.
Spellings – word, work, worm, worth, world
Parent Governor Vacancies
We currently have vacancies for two parent governors. Please look out for the letter which has been sent home with your child today outlining the responsibilities of a parent governor, together with a nomination form.
Class of the Week – 20th March to 24th March 2017
Congratulations to Class 10 who attained an attendance level of 98.4%.
Church Visit
The children will be walking to St Francis Church for our Easter Reflection on Friday 7th April. Weather permitting; we will be making our way down to church after morning registration. If any parents/carers would like to join with us we would love to see you there. Anyone wishing to come along should arrive at church for approximately 9.30am.
Easter Bonnet Parade
Don’t forget to get busy making your Easter Bonnet for our Easter Bonnet Parade next Thursday. Our judges will be choosing their favourite design from a boy and girl in each class, who will each receive an Easter egg as a prize. We can’t wait to see your creations!
Red Nose Day
Thank you for your donations for our non-uniform/wear something red day. We raised a total of £217.38 which will be sent to Comic Relief.
Lost Property
Please check if your child is missing any item of clothing as we have a few jumpers, shoes, hats and gloves etc. in lost property. Any unclaimed items will be taken to recycling at the end of term.
St Francis Church
St Francis Church would like to invite you to ‘Messy Church’ this Sunday at 4pm. There will be crafts, fun and food. Donations are optional. For further details, call Sherida on 07512 607117.
Easter Crafts
Clifton Park Museum will be hosting two drop-in workshops on Tuesday 11th April, suitable for children aged 3-12 years. Children will be able to decorate an egg cup and enjoy an Easter Trail. For further details, log on to
We have received confirmation from the authority that we surpassed our attendance target for February, achieving a level of 96.3%. We are thrilled that attendance has improved significantly this school year and we thank you for working with us to make this possible.
As the summer term quickly approaches we would like to ensure that we maintain this standard. Therefore, we once again ask for your support and urge parents/carers not to request term time leave for holidays and where possible, arrange medical/dental appointments during the holidays or out of school hours. Thank you
Diary Dates
Thursday 30th March FABSS Easter Eggstravaganza
Thursday 6th April Easter Bonnet Parade
Friday 7th April Easter Visit to St Francis Church
Friday 7th April School closes for the Easter Holidays at the usual time
Monday 24th April Return to school for Summer Term
Monday 1st May School closed for May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 26th May School closes for Spring Bank Half Term
Monday 5th June Back to School
Thursday 8th June Class Photographs
(No individual photographs will be taken on this occasion)
Thursday 15th June Inset Day
Friday 16th June Inset Day
Tuesday 25th July School closes for the Summer Holidays
Inset Days – Sept 2017 to July 2018
Monday 4th September 2017 (School year begins on Tuesday 5th September)
Monday 6th November 2017 (October Half Term Previous Week)
Friday 9th February 2018 (February Half Term Following Week)
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018 (School closes for the Summer Holidays on Friday 20th July 2018)