Newsletter 15 Autumn Term – 14th December 2017
Happy Home Learning Homework – Foundation Stage 1
This week we have been participating in visual literacy, observing the film ‘The Snowman’. Can you paint/draw a picture of a snowman? We would love to see your home
learning in school next week.
Foundation Stage 2 Homework
Maths – We have been learning about addition and have been combining two groups of objects to find the total. Please practise some simple additions using single digit numbers at home using practical resources.
Literacy – We have been learning about ‘The Snowman. Please draw/paint a beautiful, snowy picture and bring it to school to show to your friends.
Year 1
Reading – Please read your reading books. What do you like about this book?
Spellings – one, two, three, four, five, love, to, from, my
Maths – Draw a purse for you and a purse for your friend. Choose an amount of money (up to 5p) to put in your purse. Can you put double this amount in your friend’s purse?
Year 2
Maths – Can you solve these subtraction facts mentally?
8 – 4 = 9 – 5 = 15 – 5= 19 – 8 =
10 – 8 = 7 – 6 = 17 – 8 = 14 – 5 =
5 – 3 = 4 – 2 = 12 – 6 = 11 – 7 =
Literacy – Go to and see if you can you solve this Christmas crossword online with your grown-up?
Spellings – fatter, fattest, slimmer, slimmest, hotter, hottest
Christmas CD
The Foundation Stage children have worked really hard in recording their own ‘Number Song’ CD. This is now on sale to buy for £3.50 at the school office. This would make a fabulous Christmas present to treasure.
Christmas Jumper Day
On Thursday 21st December, the children are invited to come to school dressed in their Christmas jumpers so that we all look ‘Christmassy’ when we have our Christmas Dinner.
Party Clothes
FS1 & FS2 – Children in FS1 & FS2 can come to school in their party clothes. Please be mindful of the weather and make sure that suitable footwear and warm clothing is provided.
Year 1 & Year 2 – Children should arrive at school in their uniforms and bring their party clothes to change into after lunch.
Food Bank Collection
Thank you for your donations so far. Any items of perishable food (Rice, Coffee, Fruit Juice, UHT, Milk, Tinned Fish,Tinned Potatoes etc.) can be handed in to school office. Thank you
Class of the Week – 4th to 8th December
Class 10 are ‘Class of the Week’ after attaining a level of 99%. Well done everyone!
Socks – Foundation Unit
The Foundation Unit are in need of spare socks for girls and boys. If you have any spare that your child has outgrown, we would be happy to take them off your hands.
Eye Test Consent Forms – FS2
Please make sure the signed consent form is returned to school by the end of Friday 15th December if you would like your child to be seen by the optician.
Diary Dates
Key Stage 1 Nativity Performances Friday 15th December 9.30am
FS2 & Key Stage 1 Party Day Tuesday 19th December
FS1 Party Day Wednesday 20th December
Father Christmas Visiting School Wednesday 20th December
Christmas Celebration at Thursday 21st December (AM)
St Francis’ Church for FS2, Y1 & Y2
(Weather Permitting)
Christmas Dinner Thursday 21st December
School Closes for Christmas Friday 22nd December @ 2.05pm
St Francis’ Church Christingle Service Sunday 24th December 4pm & 6pm
Inset Days
Friday 9th February 2018
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018