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Newsletter 2 – 15th September Autumn Term 2016

By September 22, 2016School News

Newsletter 2 – Autumn Term 15th September 2016

As part of our topic ‘Secret life of pets’ we would like you to share with us a photograph of your family pet. If you don’t have a family pet, please could you share a drawing of a pet/animal you like? We look forward to seeing your first happy home learning in school on Monday.
Foundation Stage 2
This week we have really enjoyed getting to know you and helping you to
explore your new classrooms. In your homework book please can you draw a
picture of something you have really enjoyed at school? We can’t wait to
see what you choose!
Year 1
Maths – Can you collect some groups of toys (e.g. cars, teddies) then draw and label them with the correct number.
Literacy – Can you draw your favourite toy and think of some adjectives to describe it?
e.g. ‘My teddy is… furry, soft, and squashy.
Spellings – I, like, my, we, for, the, they, are
Year 2
Spellings – shot, stole, hid, strode, ran, galloped
Maths – Please choose a 2-digit number. Partition the number and write the matching number sentences.
E.g. 24
20 4 24 = 20 + 4
20 + 4 = 24
Literacy – Can you research and retell one of the adventures of Robin Hood? Who were his friends? Who were his enemies? Where did he live?
Fundraising – Macmillan
On Friday 30th September we will be holding a bun sale to support ‘The World’s Biggest Coffee’ Morning and raise funds for this fabulous charity. You are welcome to join us from 2.45pm in the hall when buns, cakes and biscuits will be on sale. Any donations of cakes etc. would be gratefully received and should be handed in at the main office. Thank you
Lunch Time Provision
Your child should decide on Mondays whether they are having school lunches or packed lunches for that week. Once their decision has been made they will need to remain with that choice for the entire week. Thank you
Mrs Taylor is in need of lots of newspaper for the Year 2 after school club which starts next week. We would ask that you check your recycling and bring any unwanted items to the main office so the children can get busy making some beautiful fashion items.
Diary Dates
Monday 26th September Visit to Skipton Castle
Friday 30th September Macmillan Bun Sale
Friday 21st October School closes for Half Term
Monday 31st October Inset Day
Tuesday 1st November School Resumes
Friday 16th December School closes for the Christmas Holidays
Tuesday 3rd January School resumes for the Spring Term