Newsletter 3 – Spring Term 5th January
Happy Home Learning
This week we have been looking at the letter ’s’ for snake. We write it by using the following rhyme ‘slither down the snake’. Whilst reading this week, see if you can find any words with this sound in.
Foundation Stage 2
Number – In number this week we have been playing lots of different maths games. Can you play a maths game at home?
Eg. Snakes and Ladders, Frustration, Hopscotch? Please can you support your child to recognise the numbers and the number sequences.
Literacy – In Literacy this week we have been learning how to write simple instructions. Can your child write some simple instructions on how to brush their teeth. Eg. Get a toothbrush, put on the toothpaste, brush your teeth.
Can you support your child to hear the sounds in words and write them down?
Year 1
Reading – Please read your reading books. Can you find and make a list of verbs with a past tense ‘ed ending ?
Spellings – was, were, he, she, once, flew, saw, looked, rested, swooped
Maths – Choose a number from 11 up to 19 e.g 15
Split the number into 2 parts. You could use straws to make a bundle of 10 and single straws for 5.
You could record it like this 15 (whole number)
(a ten) 10 5 (five ones)
Extra challenge – Can you take one of the parts away? 15 – 5 = 10 15 – 10 = 5
Year 2
Literacy – Can you describe your favourite creature from our visit to The Deep using noun phrases and words with suffixes?
Maths – Please write subtraction number sentences within 20 e.g. 20 – 7 =13
Spellings – metal, hospital, magical, capital, animal
Class of the Week – 10th to 13th January 2017
Congratulations to the children in Class 9 who achieved a fabulous 100% attendance. We are very proud of you.
Stay & Play Sessions FS1
Wednesday 25th January YELLOW team stay & play session.
Wednesday 1st February BLUE team stay & play session
Wednesday 8th February RED team stay & play session
Stay & Learn Session Foundation Stage 2
Tuesday 7th February Foundation Stage 2 @ 2.15pm
Please come to the main entrance on Flanderwell Lane and a member of Foundation staff will welcome you into the main school hall and explain the activities you will see in your child’s classroom. You will then be taken to Foundation Stage and are welcome to join in the activities with your child. The session will end in time to take your child home at 3pm
Stay & Learn Sessions Y1 and Y2 – Focus on Reading
Tuesday 14th February Year 1 @ 1.40pm
Thursday 16th February Year 2 @ 1.40pm
You are invited to join the children in their classrooms from 1.40pm where you will be able to join them in completing different activities that support reading. We are sure that you will gain lots of ideas of things you could do with your child at home. The stay and learn session will be immediately followed by a special curriculum celebration assembly in the main hall where children will share some of this half terms learning with you. We aim to finish in time for you to collect your children at 3pm.
Each child will be bringing home a letter on Monday 23rd January outlining their level of attendance for the Autumn Term. All absence, together with the reason for absence, is logged on the SIMS data base which is the electronic register system used by all schools and the attendance level of each child is generated using this information.
The table below shows the percentage attained for the days of absence.
Days absent in Autumn Term
½ day = 1 session Level of Attendance
Achieved for Autumn Term
1 session 99.26%
1 day 98.53%
2 days 97.06%
3 days 95.59%
4 days 94.12%
5 days
1 school week 92.65%
10 days
2 school weeks 85.29%
Stay & Play Sessions FS1
Wednesday 25th January YELLOW team stay & play session.
Wednesday 1st February BLUE team stay & play session
Wednesday 8th February RED team stay & play session
Stay & Learn Session Foundation Stage 2
Tuesday 7th February Foundation Stage 2 @ 2.15pm
Please come to the main entrance on Flanderwell Lane and a member of Foundation staff will welcome you into the main school hall and explain the activities you will see in your child’s classroom. You will then be taken to Foundation Stage and are welcome to join in the activities with your child. The session will end in time to take your child home at 3pm
Stay & Learn Sessions Y1 and Y2 – Focus on Reading
Tuesday 14th February Year 1 @ 1.40pm
Thursday 16th February Year 2 @ 1.40pm
You are invited to join the children in their classrooms from 1.40pm where you will be able to join them in completing different activities that support reading. We are sure that you will gain lots of ideas of things you could do with your child at home. The stay and learn session will be immediately followed by a special curriculum celebration assembly in the main hall where children will share some of this half terms learning with you. We aim to finish in time for you to collect your children at 3pm.
Diary Dates
Thursday 16th February School closes for Half Term
Monday 23rd January Falconry Enhancement Day – Year 1
Friday 17th February Inset Day
Monday 27th February Return to School
Monday 27th – Thursday 2nd March Parent consultation evenings
Appointments available from Monday 13th February