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Newsletter 8 – 26th October 2017

By 26 October 2017

Newsletter 8 Autumn Term – 26th October 2017

Happy Home Learning
This week we have been enjoying our Teddy Bears Picnic. We have enjoyed setting out the cutlery and plates for our teddies. Can you set the table at home during the half term break? How many forks, knives and plates will you need? Remember we would love to hear about how your happy home learning when we are back in school after half term.
Foundation Stage 2
This week we have been thinking about seasons and especially Autumn. Please can you go on an Autumn walk and talk about the autumn objects that you find, then collect some of the objects (e.g. conkers, leaves). When children are looking for items towards their collection can you support them with their vocabulary and language and also talk about the different sizes (e.g. comparing different sized twigs). Once they have a lovely colourful collection can the children make a collage and bring it to school after the holidays.
Year 1
Literacy – When you are reading, see if you can spot any words with this week’s sound -blow the snow ‘ow’.
Spellings – snow, blow, low, show, grow, come, some, will, be, you
Maths – Using some objects from around the house, find ways to split 7 into 2 parts. Draw/record the parts of 7. Now you could try finding the parts of 8 or 9.
Information for parents/carers
Please join us for our year one Art Celebration on Thursday 9th November at 2.15pm.
Entry is £1 which includes refreshments. We will share some learning with you in the hall and then take you on an art trail around the year one classrooms.
Year 2
Maths – Visit Topmarks hit the button game (number bonds). Work your way through the menu starting with ‘up to 10’. Do not progress to the next activity unless you get 20 correct answers in less than a minute.
Literacy – Can you write about your favourite memories of our visit to Skipton Castle in full sentences remembering accurate punctuation?
Spellings – knock, know, knee, knight, knife. What other words have the ‘kn’ sound?
Breakfast Club
There are still places available for the breakfast club which commences on Tuesday 7th November. If you would like to book a place for your child/children, please call the office for further information or to confirm your place. Sessions are £4 per child.
Flu Jabs
All children in Foundation Stage 2, Year 1 and Year 2 will be offered the chance to have the Flu Vaccination in school during December. A consent form will be sent out for you to complete when we return after half term, should you wish your child to be vaccinated.
Class of the Week – 16th to 20th October
Congratulations to the children in Class 7 who attained an overall attendance level of 97.3%.
Poppy Appeal
Wrist bands, bracelets and key rings are available to purchase at the school office. Poppies will be available after half term.
Harvest Festival
The children have enjoyed the Harvest Celebrations at church this morning and we would like to thank everyone who has sent in contributions of tinned food etc.
Christmas Dates
The dates and times for the Christmas events (performances, parties etc.) will be given after half term. Please note that school will now close at the earlier time of 2.05pm on Friday 22nd December giving parents time to collect Junior School children at 2.15pm.
Diary Dates
School Closes for Half Term Friday 27th October
Back to School Tuesday 7th November
School Photographs Wednesday 8th November
Family Photograph Evening Wednesday 8th November 3pm – 6pm
FABSS Fashion show Friday 10th November 6.30pm
Children in Need – Non Uniform Day Friday 17th November
School Closes for Christmas Friday 22nd December @ 2.05pm
Inset Days
Monday 6th November 2017
Friday 9th February 2018
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018