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Newsletter 8 – Autumn Term 3rd November

By 3 November 2016, School News

Newsletter 8 – Autumn Term 3rd November 2016

We are looking forward to an exciting half term with lots of wonderful activities to look forward to. Our Foundation children will be visiting Sundown Adventureland in December (letters will be sent out next week) and all the children are busy rehearsing for the Christmas Nativity Performances. All the details, times and dates are on the separate Christmas Activities Calendar. Thank you.
Happy Home Learning
This week we have been learning all about Goldilocks & the 3 Bears. We have been learning a new Goldilocks Rap! The rap will be coming home with your child. Please help your child to sing the rap and enjoy singing together at home.
Foundation Stage 2
Literacy – We have been learning about bonfire night, firework displays and the firework code. The children have been thinking about their senses on bonfire night and writing down the sounds, smells and things that they may see. We have also been thinking about keeping ourselves and others safe. Talk to your children about firework safety. You could practise writing firework sounds, writing down the sounds that you can hear in the words.
Numeracy – This week we have been learning about repeating patterns with your children. We have created repeating patterns out of lots of different items including, colours, shapes and people. Have a go at home at making repeating patterns, how many different ones can you make? Maybe you could take photos of strange ones and stick them in your book.
Year 1
Literacy – Please read your reading books. Can you spot any words with our sound of the week ‘ou’. Can you write them in your homework book?
Spellings – house, shout, out, round, loud, so, love, our
Maths – We are learning about 3D shapes. Can you find anything in your house that is a cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere or cone? See how many there are and write them in your homework book.
Year 2
Spellings – badge, edge, bridge, sludge, hedge. There will also be five ‘mystery’ spellings including the ‘dge’ sound.
Maths – Practise counting forwards and backwards in twos, fives and tens.
Topic/Literacy – Can you find out what animals live in the Arctic? How are they adapted to survive?
Messy Church
St Francis Church would like to invite you to ‘Messy Church’ on Sunday 6th November from 4pm to 6pm. The activities will be based on bonfire night and fireworks with refreshments and worship.
Class of the Week – 17th to 21st November
Congratulations to the children in Class 6 who attained a level of 99.6%.
Taster Sessions Reminder
Don’t forget to sign up for the taster sessions on Tuesday 8th November. Sign up in your child’s classroom or at the office. Details of the menu are on Newsletter 5.
Fabss has applied for the Aviva Community Fund, if successful this could enable us to build a large pergola on the field to provide shade in the summer months. Please visit register and vote as many times as possible. Please share with family and friends. Thank you

Diary Dates
Tuesday 8th November School Dinner Taster Sessions
Thursday 17th November School Photographs and Family Photograph Session
Monday 5th December FS Visit to Sundown Adventureland
Tuesday 6th December FS Visit to Sundown Adventureland
Friday 16th December School closes for the Christmas Holidays @ 2pm
Tuesday 3rd January School resumes for the Spring Term

Christmas Activities
FS1 Performance ~ Nursery Rhyme Nativity
Tuesday 29th 9.30am & 12.30pm


Foundation Stage 2 Permformance ~ Robin’s Christmas Sing-a-long
Thursday 1st at 1.30pm
Friday 2nd at 9.30am
Fabss Winter Wonderland
Friday 2nd ~ 3.30pm to 7pm

Foundation Stage Visit to Sundown Adventureland
Monday 5th ~ 9am to 3pm
Tuesday 6th ~ 9am to 3pm

Year 1 & 2 Performance ~ Christmas Counts
Wednesday 7th ~ 1.30pm
Thursday 8th – 9.30am & 1.30pm
Friday 9th ~ 9.30am

Pantomime Peter Pan ~ Visiting School
Monday 12th ~ Afternoon Session

FS2, Year 1 & Year 2 Party Day
Tuesday 13th – Afternoon Session

FS1 Party Day
Wednesday 14th

Visit of Father Christmas
Wednesday 14th

Christmas Dinner
Thursday 15th

Further details of ticket sales and cost of activities
will be sent out in a separate letter.