Newsletter 9 – Summer Term 29th June 2017
Happy Home Learning
Foundation Stage 1 – Happy Home Learning.
PM Red Team – We have been singing the rhyme 5 little speckled frogs. Please practise singing the rhyme at home. Maybe you would enjoy making 5 little frog puppets to use as you sing your rhyme?
FS1 Literacy- This week’s letter of the week is j ‘jack in a box’. Please encourage your child to write j with the correct formation, air-writing “down the body and curl, a dot for his head”.
FS1 Numeracy – This week we have been matching objects to the numerals 1-5. Please help your child to continue this learning at home.
FS1 – Sports Day
This week we have been practicing for our sports day, we hope the weather improves for Monday! On Monday, your child can come to school wearing a T shirt, shorts and sensible flat shoes, no sandals please.
Foundation Stage 2
This week please support your child in learning the dangerous words in their spelling books. Remember you can’t Fred a red!
In maths we would like you to create a shape picture using different shapes. Can you describe the shapes to your grown up and name them?
Year 1
Reading – Please read your reading books.
Spellings – when where which wheel while unhappy undo unlock unfair untidy
Please practise using these spellings by putting them into sentences.
Maths – Choose a ‘teens’ number or another two digit number up to 50. Take away the tens or the units. What do you notice?
Topic – Have a look at a world map. Can you find out where the animals we saw at Twycoss come from? What type of habitat do they live in.
Year 2
Spellings – cowboy, Native American, Wild West, weapon, pistol, horse.
Maths – Have a go at partitioning these two digit numbers in different ways
42, 51, 63, 78, 84, 92
e.g. 37 = 30 + 7 37 = 20 + 17 37 = 10 + 27
Literacy/Topic – Using the internet or information books can you research the jobs of cowboys?
Sports Day – FS2, Y1 & Y2
Please make sure that all children have their PE kits with them on sports day. Thank you.
Class of the Week 19th – 23rd June
Congratulations to Class 8 who attained a level of 97.9% and is Class of the Week.
Class Attendance – 5th September 2016 to 26th June 2017
Unit 2 94.3
Unit 3 95.3
Unit 4 93.6
Class 5 95.4
Class 9 96.6
Class 8 95.7
Class 6 95.7
Class 10 95.9
Class 7 95.5
Overall Attendance – Weekly Update
The current overall attendance level (5th September 2016 to 29th June 2017) is still 96.1%.
St Francis Church – Summer Market
You are invited to join the fun at St Francis’ Church Summer Market on Saturday 1st July from 4pm to 6.30pm. There will be stalls, burgers and hotdogs, children’s games, music, entertainment and much more. All welcome.
Home School Diary Review
Thank you to the parents/carers who have completed and handed in the review sheet on Page 51 of the Home/School Diary. If you have not already completed the review, as part this week’s homework, we would like you to discuss with your child what they like about their diary, how they use it and if they think it can be improved in any way. Completed forms should be returned to school as soon as possible so that your views and those of the children can be considered. Thank you
Dates for your Diary we will be g cress-head window-boxes.
Monday 3rd July FS1 AM & PM Sports Day 9.30am and 1.30pm
Wednesday 5th July Y1/Y2 & FS2 Sports Day 9.15am
Wednesday 5th July FABSS Summer Fair. 3pm onwards
Thursday 6th July Foundation Stage 1 Closed
Friday 7th July Foundation Stage 1 Closed
Monday 10th July FS1 Graduation Ceremonies 11am & 2.15pm
Monday 17th July Year 1 Topic Celebration
Tuesday 18th July Parent Walkabout 3pm to 5pm
Friday 21st July Year 2 Leavers Assembly @ 2pm
Tuesday 25th July Year 2 – Year 3 Transition Picnic
Tuesday 25th July School closes for the Summer Holidays at the earlier time of 2.05pm
Inset Days – Sept 2017 to July 2018
Monday 4th September 2017 (School year begins on Tuesday 5th September)
Monday 6th November 2017 (October Half Term Previous Week)
Friday 9th February 2018 (February Half Term Following Week)
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018 (School closes for the Summer Holidays on Friday 20th July 2018)