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Newsletter 3 – Autumn Term 2015 – 17/09
Foundation Stage 2 Homework
Literacy – In literacy this week we have been learning to write our names. Can you write your full name three times in your homework book? You could even make a name crown at home and wear it to school on Monday.
Number – In maths this week we have been learning to sing the song 10 lovely lollipops. See if you can remember the words to the song and sing it to your grown up. Then in your homework book can you draw ten lovely lollipops and write the numbers underneath.
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – Think of some questions to ask our robot, Frank. Don’t forget to use a question mark. (e.g. Where do you live? What do you like to eat?)
Maths – Can you direct you’re grown up around the house using positional language like next to, at the side of, left, right, underneath.
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – one, once, day, time, upon, was
Maths – Practise doubling numbers 1 to 10 and also counting on from any 2 digit number.
Literacy – This week we have read the traditional story Rumplestilskin. Can you read one of your favourite traditional stories and choose a character to draw and describe.
Governing Body
I would like to recognise the work of our Governing Body and thank them for the time they give to school in order to carry out their duties. Mr Andrew Slinn has served as Chair of our Governing Body for the last 7 years and has carried out the role with a great deal of diligence, commitment and expertise, for which we are all very grateful. We welcome Mr Tim Bentley as our new Chair of Governors, who has been a member of the Governing Body for the past 6 years. More information regarding our Governing Body and its members will be circulated on a Governing Body Newsletter later this term.
We currently have a vacancy for a Parent Governor. Please look out for further details in a letter which your child will bring home tomorrow.
Persistent Absence
With effect from September 2015, the government is reducing the persistent absence threshold from 15 per cent to 10 per cent.
This means that a pupil has to be absent for 38 sessions (19 days) of school across the full academic year to be classified as persistently absent. We monitor attendance continually, working closely with the Education Welfare Officer who visits school regularly. You will be informed on a half termly basis if your child’s attendance shows signs of persistent absence and there will be regular updates on the newsletter keeping all parents up to date with attendance figures and targets.
Health & Safety – Class 7 & 8
To avoid any accidents, we would remind parents not to allow their children to play on the crates behind the classrooms when waiting at drop off and collection times. Thank you.
Class of the Week – 7th – 11th September
We would like to congratulate Class 7 who attained an attendance level of 99.7% and are our first Class of the Week for the Autumn Term. Well done!
FABSS Fashion Show
Tickets are still available for the fashion show on Friday 16th October. Please submit your ticket requests as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
Parents Forum
Our next Parents Forum meeting will take place in the school library on Monday 5th October at 9.15am. Please look out for the leaflet which will be circulated shortly giving details about our aims and information of how you can become involved. Also, take the time to look at our Parent Charter display in the main entrance.
Parents Consultation Meetings
Parent consultations will be held week commencing 12th October, Monday to Thursday. Further details to follow in due course.
FABSS Diary Dates
Meeting – Wednesday 30th September BSI 5pm
Fashion Show – Friday 16th October (Dining Hall)
Meeting – Wednesday 4th November BSJ 5pm
Meeting – Wednesday 25th November BSI 5pm
Winter Wonderland – Friday 4th December
Diary Dates
Thursday 17th September EWO monitoring visit
Wednesday 23rd September Year 2 Visit to Skipton Castle
Thursday 1st October EWO monitoring visit
Monday 5th October @ 9.15am Parent Forum (School Library)
Thursday 15th October EWO monitoring visit
Friday 16th October FABSS Fashion Show
Friday 23rd October Break up for October H/T
Monday 2nd November Inset Day