Happy Home Learning
Please help your child to sing the rhyme ‘5 little speckled frogs’ for this weeks Rhyme Challenge. The children have been learning the letter sounds s, a, t this week. Go on a letter hunt around your house and find objects that begin with these letter sounds? Enjoy your home learning together.
FS2 Homework
Literacy – This week we have been learning about the police that help us in the community. We have even had a real life police lady come into school and talk to us about her job. For your homework can you draw a police man or police lady and label their uniform e.g. hat, truncheon, hand cuffs etc.
Maths – For maths homework this week can the children make a number line going backwards from 10 to 0 or 20 to 0. When it is finished you could use the language of 1 less to count down the number line.
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – Can you interview a grown up in your house asking them questions using – what, when, why & where.
Find words with the ir, er, ur sound in and write them in your homework book. You could look in your favourite book or a newspaper
Numeracy – Can you find a cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder and prism in your house? Make a list of what your find in your homework book.
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – moonboot, spaceship, spacecraft, starlight, liftoff, earthbound.
Phonics – See how many words you can write down in your homework book using the ‘ai’ sound, as in nail, sail, rail & mail.
Maths – Practice your multiplication. Grab a bag of sweets or buttons and group them 3×2 = 6, 3 lots of 2 = 6
Topic – We will be starting our new topic ‘The Solar System’ next week. Please find a research a planet of your choice.
Reverend Daran Ward
We offer a warm welcome to Reverend Daran Ward from St Francis’ church who visited school yesterday and met the children in assembly. We look forward to seeing him as a regular visitor in school and during our visits to St Francis’.
Road Safety
Our Foundation Stage Children enjoyed a visit from The Rotherham Road Safety team as part of their topic ‘People who help us’ and learned about how to keep safe when out and about.
Attendance – Foundation Stage 2, Yr1 & Y2
You should now have received a letter giving details of your child’s attendance for the Autumn Term. We would like to congratulate all the children who attend regularly and on time especially those who received 100% attendance.
Class of the week
Your child’s level of attendance doesn’t just affect them, it affects others too. Each week, the class with the highest overall level of attendance receives a certificate to display in their classroom. Congratulations to Mrs Stothard’s class who are currently class of the week having attained a level of 100%. We will keep you updated each week on the newsletter. Will your class be next?
Wednesday 5th February 5pm FABSS meeting in the infant school – all welcome!
Wednesday 12th February Rev Daran Ward visiting for assembly.
Friday 21st February School finishes for Half Term at the usual time.
Monday 3rd March Inset Day
Tuesday 4th March Return to school
Friday 7TH March Y2 visit to The Deep. Further details to follow.