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Newsletter 12 – 26th November 2015

By 26 November 2015

Newsletter 12 – Autumn Term 2015 – 26th November 2015

Happy Home Learning – FS1
Can you look at numbers in the environment? How many can you find around your house or at the supermarket?
Foundation Stage 2 Homework
Literacy – This week we have been learning about the Christmas Story. Can you write a list of some of the people/animals you can remember from the story?
Maths – This week we have been practising estimating. Can you use your estimating skills around your house to estimate how many pencils are in a pot or sweets in a jar etc.? Count them afterwards to check your estimation.
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – Can you re-tell the Christmas Story with your grown up. Think about the characters, setting and how the characters feel.
Numeracy – can ou practise counting backwards from any given number?
e.g. 20,19,18……… 10,9,8…………. 15,14………
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – because, remind, kind, find, behind, which. Please write some sentences in your homework work using these words.
Maths – Please orally practise quick recall of number bonds to 10 using addition and subtraction, for example 6 + 4 = • 10 – 2 = •
Topic – Can you find out some facts about penguins? You could find out about their habitat, diet, appearance, behaviour or their young. Write some sentences in your homework book including these facts.
Parent Forum Meeting
At the Parent Forum Meeting today, attendance matters were discussed. Questions were raised regarding term time holidays, medical appointments, attendance figures and statistics as well as other general attendance issues regarding our school. Please look out for the Attendance Newsletter next week which will give further information about the issues discussed.
September Attendance
Our attendance target of 95.7% was exceeded in September. The level of attendance attained is 96%. Majority of the absences recorded were due to illness, although a small percentage of absence was due to term time holidays. We would also inform you that during the Autumn Term we have sent two requests to the Local Authority to issue Fixed Penalty Fines.
Fat Ball Sale
The children in Class 9 have been busy making ‘Fat Balls’ for the birds. After a sale in their classroom they have raised £20.23. Well done!
Class of the Week – 16th – 20th November 2015
This week our attendance figures have been lower than normal due to a high level of winter coughs and colds. Class 9 have achieved an attendance level of 97.9% and are ‘Class of the Week’. Well done!
Christmas Dinner Request
If you have not made a meal choice for the Christmas Dinner for your child, you will need to provide a packed lunch on 17th December. Thank you
Christmas Dates
Tuesday 1st December Pantomime ‘Cinderella’ (In school)
(FS2, Y1 & Y2 only)
Thursday 3rd December FS1 Nativity Plays 9.30am & 1.30pm
Thursday 3rd December FS2 Nativity Play 9.30am & 1.30pm
Friday 4th December FS2 Nativity Play 9.30am
Friday 4th December Fabss Winter Wonderland from 3.30
Wednesday 9th December Y1/Y2 Nativity Play 1.30pm
Thursday 10th December 1/Y2 Nativity Play 9.30am & 1.30 pm
Friday 11th December Y1/Y2 Nativity Play 9.30am
Friday 11th December Flu Immunisations for Year 1 & 2 (pm)
Tuesday 15th December FS1 Parties
Wednesday 16th December Visit from Father Christmas
Thursday 17th December Christmas Celebration at St Francis Church Y1/Y2
Thursday 17th December Christmas Celebration Assembly – Foundation Stage 2
Thursday 17th December Christmas Dinner
Friday 18th December Close for Christmas Holidays @ 2.30