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Newsletter 1 Autumn Term – 7th September 2017

By 7 September 2017

Newsletter 1 – Autumn Term 2017
Welcome Back
We welcome you back after the Summer Holiday and trust that you are feeling refreshed and ready for the coming year. May we extend a special welcome to our new children, parents and carers as we look forward to working with you in your child’s learning. It has been wonderful to see the children settle into their new classes and observe them working enthusiastically on their new topics. We thank you for your support in their education at the beginning of this school year.
School Routines
Morning Task – The doors open at 8.50am and parents are encouraged to stay until 9am to support their child’s morning task. When the bell sounds it is time for parents to leave so that registration can begin. Anyone arriving after 9am will need to go to reception to register their child and choose a dinner option.
Collection of Children – If someone other than a child’s parent is collecting them from school, the authorisation sheet, which can be found in your child’s classroom, will need to be completed. The green sheet is for ‘long term’ regular adults and the white sheet is for daily use. If someone arrives to collect your child from school without authorisation, we will not release them until we have contacted you for permission.
Baking Money – Every child has the opportunity to bake at school and we would ask for a donation of £2 per half term towards the cost for the ingredients.
Food and Drink – Each child should bring a water bottle to school containing water ONLY. If juice, cordial or flavoured water is brought, it will be returned at the end of the day. Please take water bottles home on Friday’s for washing. We are extremely grateful when parents bring in cakes, sweets and other sweet treats; unfortunately, we are unable to accept them to give out to children. This is due to our Healthy Schools Policy but more importantly, also to ensure that allergies, food intolerances and religious observances are adhered to.
Homework – The weekly homework is issued every Thursday and can be found on the newsletter which is emailed to all parents every Thursday. We also upload the newsletter to the school website and hard copies can be provided if necessary by contacting the school office. All homework should be completed and handed in by the following Tuesday.
Celebration Assembly – Every Friday we celebrate recent achievements e.g. certificates, medals, trophies, beaver/brownie promises or anything which we are aware of that deserves praise.
Partnering Learning – We like to keep you updated and involve you in your child’s learning and therefore topic letters are emailed at the beginning of each half term, planning is displayed outside the classrooms and we hold regular ‘Stay and Learn’ sessions and parent workshops.
Home School Diary
Each child will be issued with a Home School Diary which contains lots of useful information for parents to refer to. These are currently being finalised at the printers and will be sent out very soon.
Volunteers in School
We have regular volunteers who come into school to help with baking, school visits, general classroom help or making resources. If you would like to volunteer, please talk to your child’s teacher. A volunteer agreement will need to be signed and where necessary a safeguarding check completed.
Parent Forum
Mrs Fitzgerald is our Parent Forum co-ordinator and regular meetings are held. Agendas are driven by parent feedback and suggestions and have included, attendance, term time holidays and many more topics. Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings and be part of the forum.
Our school expected level of attendance is 96% which is set by the local authority and every child is expected to attain this level. We realise that illness is unavoidable but we would ask that where possible, all appointments be made outside school hours. If this is not possible, please bring your child to school for the remainder of the day. Please contact the school office when your child is absent from school giving a reason why before 9.30am, if we do not receive a message we will contact you.
Special Leave
Term time holidays will not be authorised unless there are extenuating circumstances surrounding the request. All absence taken for holidays will be marked as an ‘Unauthorised Holiday’ on the register.
Lost Property
Lost property accumulates very quickly and we would ask that you check to make sure your child brings home their belongings at the end of the day. Please label all clothes, lunch boxes and water bottles so that we can return them to their owner if misplaced. Any unidentified items will be placed in lost property area which is now situated in the main hall and can be accessed before and after school. Thank you

Happy Home Learning
In our home corner area, we would love to display photographs of our families. Please could you bring to school a photo of your family with a little note of everyone’s names? Discuss with your child their day and chat about their favourite part of the day.
Foundation Stage 2 – Homework will start next week once the children have settled in.
Year 1
Literacy – Retell the story of Jack and the beanstalk to your grownup. Draw a picture of the giant and describe him by labelling or using sentences.
Spellings – the, you, come, my, go, to, he. Can you spell each word correctly when writing it in a sentence?
Maths – Can you practise the formation of the numbers 0 – 10 and try counting backwards from 20?
Year 2
Maths – Can you practise counting forwards and backwards in 1s from the following numbers:
9 12 17 26 29 31 34 38 45 52
Literacy – Research the story of Robin Hood and his Merry Men.
Where did they live?
What did they do?
Why were they outlaws?
How did they survive? What did they eat?
Spellings – bridge ledge hedge badge wedge. What mystery spellings could there be?