Newsletter 1 – Autumn Term 8th September 2016
Welcome Back
We welcome you back after the Summer Holiday and trust that you are feeling refreshed and ready for the coming year. May we extend a special welcome to our new children, parents and carers as we look forward to working with you in your child’s learning. It has been wonderful to see the children settle into their new classes and observe them working enthusiastically on their new topics. We thank you for your support in their education at the beginning of this school year.
It is always a pleasure to welcome parents/carers into school to help with various activities. Children love to bake, share a book, sew or enjoy working with the fabulous resources we have in school. If you would like to volunteer to spend a few hours a week in your child’s classroom, please speak to their class teacher or a member of staff who will be more than happy to accept your offer.
Foundation Stage 2
Homework will commence next week when the children have had time to settle into their new classes.
Year 1
Maths – Can you practise counting to 20 forwards and backwards. Can you count on or back from any number within 20. (e.g. Strong arms, Sharp teeth)
Literacy – Can you find and read a story about giants at home, draw a picture of a giant and label the features using an adjective.
Spellings –the, you, come, my, go, to, he
Year 2
Maths – We would like you to practise your number bonds to 10 and challenge yourself to 20.
E.g. 6 + 4 = 10 16 + 4 = 20
Literacy – Please research facts about knights. What did they wear? What did they do?
Spellings – Robin Hood, forest, castle, knight, horse, shield
Foundation Stage 2 Welcome Meeting
On Tuesday 13th September at 2.30pm there will be a welcome meeting in your child’s classroom. The gates for the Foundation Unit will be opened at an earlier time to enable direct access to the classrooms.
Book Club – Every Thursday
We would like to remind you that we have some fantastic volunteers who kindly run a weekly book club for our pupils. Every child has the opportunity to visit the club and can make a small payment each week to save for a book. It is a wonderful way of introducing your child to the concept of saving and has the added bonus of receiving a fabulous book for them to read or share with others.
The safety and wellbeing of our children is paramount and therefore there are rules in place for their protection and also for the safety of anyone who enters the school premises. Please remember that all doors will be closed at 9am prompt and that anyone arriving after this time should report to the office in main reception. Our reception has been refurbished during the holiday creating a comfortable, private area for parents and visitors, also, the new interior doors provide extra safety for the children.
Every Friday we hold an assembly to recognise the achievements and positive behaviour of our children. This includes the accomplishments of your children outside school so please inform us if your child achieves anything worthy of praise.
Attendance is monitored regularly and the Education Welfare Officer visits school to check on our progress and the individual progress of the children. If your child’s level of attendance drops below 90% you will be informed by letter and should there be any serious concerns regarding a child’s attendance, a meeting will be arranged with parents/carers so that we can work together to improve the situation and offer help where necessary. Each week the class with the highest attendance displays the ‘Class of the Week’ certificate and each term, children who achieve 100% attendance will receive a certificate. At the end of the school year, children who achieve 100% attendance will receive a gift. As a school, our expected level of attendance is 95.7% and we look forward to working with you to achieve this level for this academic year.
Term time Holidays
We would remind parents that no requests for holidays during term time will be authorised unless the Head Teacher is satisfied that there extenuating circumstances surrounding the request.
Diary Dates
Friday 21st October School closes for Half Term
Monday 31st October Inset Day
Tuesday 1st November School Resumes
Friday 16th December School closes for the Christmas Holidays
Tuesday 3rd January School resumes for the Spring Term