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Newsletter 1 Spring Term 2016

By 7 January 2016

Newsletter 1 – Spring Term January 7th 2016
Welcome Back
We welcome you back after the Christmas Holidays and wish you a very happy and healthy New Year. The teachers have been busy planning for the coming term and we look forward to our learning which will be enhanced by exciting visits for our Year 1 and Year 2 pupils to Eureka and The Deep respectively.
Happy Home Learning
This week we have been learning to use our listening ears in school. We have been listening for sounds in the classroom. What sounds can you hear at home, out and about or in the shops and park etc.?
Foundation 2 Homework
Literacy – We have been reading ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. Can you draw a picture of your favourite part of the story and label it?
Maths – We have been practising recognising numbers. In your homework book can you practice writing a number line from 0 to 20?
Year 1 Homework
Maths – We have been learning about grouping in 2’s this week. Can you draw 5 groups of 2 apples and record the number sentence.
Literacy – Write a list of adjectives to describe one of our minion friends and draw them. Practise reading some of the ‘Common Exception Words’ from the list that was given out before Christmas.
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – half, having, find, finding, climb, climbing, move, moving.
Maths – Quick fire oral questions. Practise addition and subtraction number bonds to 10, 20, 100
Topic – Do some research on pirate ships then draw a picture and label the parts of the ship.
Air Ambulance Appeal
We would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the Air Ambulance Appeal which was collected after our Christmas Performances. Your support has been tremendous and we are thrilled to inform you that a total of £538 was raised.
We would also like to inform you that one of our parents is taking part in The London Marathon on Sunday 24th April 2016. She is running in memory of Miss Dawson and raising money for the Air Ambulance Appeal. If you would like to make a donation, please visit We wish Mrs Day all the best as she trains for this gruelling event.
Foundation Stage 1 September 2016
All children born between September 1st 2012 and July 31st 2013 are eligible to 15 free hours per week in a Foundation Stage 1 setting. We will soon been sending out letters offering places to the children who are on our current waiting list to start Foundation Stage 1 in September and would advise anyone with a child who falls into this age group to ensure that their child is registered. Also, please inform friends or relatives who may be have children who are eligible, to ensure that no one is disappointed. Thank you
Public Appeal
A gentleman has called into school today to ask for our help searching for the family who came to his aid before Christmas. Having fallen from his mobility scooter, a family with four boys kindly helped him and ensured that he arrived home safely. He is extremely grateful for the kindness shown and would like to say thank you. If this was you or you have any information which might help this gentleman, please speak to Mrs Wilson as soon as possible. Thank you
REMINDER – Parent/Carer SPaG Class
We would remind you that we have arranged two Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Sessions, both sessions are the same and you can attend either. They will take place on Tuesday 19th January, at 9am and 5pm in the Infant School Hall. This is open to parents of both the infant and junior school. A consultant from the Local Authority will be joining us to explain the expectations of the new national curriculum which your children will need to fulfil. We really hope you can attend, please add your name to the registration list at the main office.
Parent Forum – Monday 11th January 2.15pm (focus is follow up from attendance) & 4pm Anti Bullying led by Ann Foxley Johnson (see below)
E Safety Sessions for Parents
Thursday 4th February – ‘Cyber Savvy’ – 3pm at the Junior School or 5pm at the Infant school
The sessions will be delivered by Ann Foxley-Johnson who is a leading, experienced anti-bullying co-ordinator, whose work has been recognised locally and nationally. We hope to see you at these sessions and look forward to working with you to benefit your child’s wellbeing. We would ask that you inform the office staff if you wish to attend. Ann will also be delivering the following sessions to the children as part of their curriculum.
Monday 1st February – Being kind online
Wednesday 17th February– What is bullying? (Year 1 & 2)
Friday 19th February– What is bullying? (FS2)
Diary Dates
Tuesday 19th January @ 9am or 5pm SPaG Session
Wednesday 20th January Year 2 visit to The Deep
Monday 25th January @ 11.30am Being Kind Online
Thursday 4th February @ 5pm ‘Cyber Savvy’
Friday 5th February School Closes for Half Term
Monday 15th February Inset Day
Tuesday 16th February Return to School
Wednesday 17th February @ 9am to 12am What is bullying? (Workshop 1)
Friday 19th February @ 9am to 11.30am What is bullying? (Workshop 2)
Tuesday 23rd February Year 1 visit to Eureka (Details to follow)
Friday 18th March Term Ends for Easter Holidays
Monday 4th April Return to school for Summer Term