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Newsletter 1 Spring Term 2018 – 11th January 2018

By 11 January 2018School News

Newsletter 1 Spring Term – 11th January 20

Welcome Back
We welcome you back after the Christmas Holidays and wish you a very happy and healthy New Year. We look forward to the coming term and working together to support your child’s education. Please look out for the ‘Topic Letters’ which outline what your child will be learning over the coming weeks.

Happy Home Learning – This week Barnaby Bear has arrived in FS1 and we have been learning all about Bramley. Could you look around your environment? What numbers can you see on your front door? What are the numbers on your car number plate? What do you see on your way to school? Can you draw a map of your route to school? Photograph your route to school? What street/ shop signs can you see? Where do you live? What is your address? We would love to build our very own photograph album/ maps of our local environments so if you could we would love photographs of your happy home learning. Thank you.

FS2 Homework
For your literacy homework this week we would like you to practise rhyming. There is a rhyming game on called ‘washing line rhyme’ that we would like you to play with your grown-ups.
This can be found at:-
In maths we have been learning different ways of recording and we really enjoyed making a tally chart of our favourite season. We would like you to make a tally chart of your family/friend’s favourite colours in your homework book. (Your child can choose the way this is recorded, it doesn’t have to be a tally, they might want to tick and count up the ticks at the end). You can then discuss which colour was the most/least popular.
Year 1 Homework
Reading – Please read your guided reading book. Can you write three facts you have found out if you have a non-fiction book or if you have a fiction book, three things you like about the story.
Spellings – he, here, was, friend, see, tree, cold, icy, winter
Maths – Use some objects. Choose 2 numbers within 10. (e.g 6, 4) Which amount is more? Which amount is less? Prove it by lining the amounts up next to each other or on a grid like this….
6      
4    

Now you can clearly see which is more/less. You might now be able to say how many more or less. Remember to explain in a sentence. 6 is more than 4. 4 is less than 6. 6 is 2 more than 4. 4 is 2 less than 6.

Year 2 Homework
Literacy – Retell and perform the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff to your grown-ups. Can you think of an alternative ending?
Maths – On Topmarks play ‘Hit the button’. On the main menu select ‘times tables’ and practise 2s, 5s and 10s.

Spellings – all, also, almost, always, called
What could the mystery spellings be for adding the suffix –ed and –ing?

Cashless Payment Scheme
We will soon be implementing a new payment system in school which will enable you to pay for school visits, clubs and other expenses, online, using your debit or credit card. You will receive a letter shortly with further details explaining how the system works and when it will be live. In the meantime could we please ask that you make sure all the contact details we have for you are up to date. Thank you.

New Starters September 2018 – Foundation Stage 1
Letters were sent out yesterday to the parents of children who are due to start Foundation Stage 1 in September. If you have a child in this age group and have not received a letter please contact the school office straight away. Thank you

Book Club
We would like to remind you that we hold a Book Club in school every Thursday morning which is run voluntarily by a group of lovely ladies. All the children visit book club to look at the books and if they bring a small amount of money each week, they can save up for a book of their choice. Once the full amount is paid, they will bring their book home. This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn the basics of budgeting and the understanding that sometimes we have to wait for things that we would like. There is no set weekly amount and the book will be reserved for your child as soon as they make their first payment.

Class of the Week – 18th to 22nd December
Class 8 are Class of the Week with an attendance level of 97.7%. Well done!

November Attendance
We are pleased to inform you that we exceeded our expected level of attendance for November. The overall attendance for November, confirmed by the authority, is 96.4%
100% Attendance
We are really proud of the 62 children who attained 100% attendance for the Autumn term. Each child will receive a certificate soon. Well done!

Children’s Disability Information
We have been informed by the Children’s Disability Officer, Andy Lound of an information exchange which parents/carers of a child with a disability may find helpful. The exchange offers advice on short breaks, activities and holiday provision, plus much more. For further information please visit

Y2 Visit to EIS Friday 19th January
Y1 Visit from Falconry UK Monday 22nd January
Break up for Half Term Thursday 8th February
School Resumes Monday 12th February

Inset Days
Friday 9th February 2018
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018