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Welcome Back We welcome you back after the Christmas Holidays and wish you a very happy and healthy New Year. We look forward to the coming term and working together to support your child’s education. Please look out for the ‘Topic Letters’ which outline what your child will be learning over the coming weeks.

Happy Home Learning We have been singing the song ‘Five little speckled frogs’. Please help your child to make 5 frog puppets. A sheet will be sent out for your child to colour and cut out the frogs independently. Please practice singing this fun rhyme and counting the frogs at home.

Foundation 2 Homework Literacy – This week we have been learning about The Little Red Hen.  We have talked about being kind and helping people and wrote speech bubbles for the thing that the characters might have said. You could practise writing speech bubbles for things that people around the children might say.  We have been practising segmenting and blending with the phonic sounds that we already know and practising reading and writing VC and CVC words. Can you continue to practise reading and writing two and three letter words at home?

Numeracy – We have been practising our counting skills and learning to match numerals to their quantities. You could practise saying a number and asking the children to jump that many times and other actions. You could also practise tapping, clapping or banging a number of times and getting the children to say how many.

Year 1 Homework Literacy –The minions want a new friend. Draw a picture of a new minion. Think of a suitable name and age. Tell us about what your minion likes and dislikes. The more information about them the better!

Maths – Using objects in your house sort into groups of 2, 5 and 10. Record how many groups of each object in an amount e.g. 2 groups of 2 = 4

Spellings – Practise the following tricky words; see if you can spot them out and about. I, like, my, they, he, she, me, be, go & no. Happy spotting J

Year 2 Homework Literacy – Can the children please keep a food and drink diary over the weekend to help us with our healthy food week next week? Can they also research what makes a healthy diet?

Spellings – running, jumping, throwing, ball, catch, teamwork

Maths – Following on from our work on co-ordinates can you make 2 grids and play battleships? Can you beat your grown up?

Baking Money Thank you to those who have already made their baking money donation. To help with the costs of baking we would politely remind you that a contribution of £2 per child is requested per term and is now due. Thank you.

Glee Club Year 1 There are still places available if your child is interested in taking part in the Glee Club which starts on Thursday 15th January. The club will run for five weeks at a cost of £10. Please ask at the office for further details.

EIS Visit Please remember to send your child’s packed lunch tomorrow if you have not requested a chilled choice option from the school kitchen. Also, we would ask that all children arrive at school on time and dressed in their PE kit in order that we can leave on time.

Stay & Learn about Phonics Sessions

Wednesday 14th January          Year 2 Classes

Thursday 15th January             Year 1 Classes

Friday 16th January                  FS2 Classes

You are invited to stay in your child’s classroom for a fun and informative session where you will be able to observe your child being amazing at phonics! The session will include key information about how we teach the Read, Write, Inc. strategy, with particular emphasis on the correct pronunciation of sounds and the importance of blending as the prime approach to reading. If you are unable to attend the morning session, we are holding an additional meeting on Wednesday 14th January @ 6pm in the school hall. Please complete the slip below only if you are attending this evening meeting. Thank you


Diary Dates

Year 2 at Multi Sport Day                    Friday 9th January

Year 1 visit to Eureka                           Friday 23rd January

School Closes February Half Term       Friday 13th February (usual time)

Inset Day                                             Monday 23rd February

Back to school                                      Tuesday 24th February