Newsletter 1 – Summer Term 16th April
Welcome Back
We welcome you back after the Easter Holidays and trust that you had a lovely break enjoying the spring weather and that you are feeling refreshed and ready for the coming term.
FS1 Happy Home Learning
Please help your child to write their name ready for our sponsored write. We will be completing our sponsored write on Tuesday.
FS2 Homework
Literacy – This week in literacy we have been looking at the story of the tiger that came to tea. The children have loved thinking about the story and how this would not happen in real life. The children have written character profiles and made shopping lists for food to feed a tiger as well as making invitations for the tiger to come to tea. See if you can practise writing lists for things that you need at home. We are continuing practising segmenting and blending with the phonic sounds that we already know and practising reading and writing VC and CVC words.
Numeracy – This week we have been learning about time. We have talked about the different times of the day and also the different things that the children do at these times. We have also started telling the time using o’clock and half past. The children were very good at this so we even introduced the quarter past and quarter to. See if you can practise telling the time at home. Talk to your children about the different things that they do at different times of the day and also on different days of the week.
Year 1 Homework
Phonics – Please practise your sponsored spell words ready for Monday’s challenge.
Literacy – Can you research Flat Stanley’s adventures on the internet? What are the book titles?
Maths – We are measuring objects using rulers (centimetres). Can you measure a range of objects at home and record your findings using ‘cm’.
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – Love, come, father, brother, mother. Also, please remember to learn your words for our Spelling Challenge next week.
Maths – Subtraction. Can you write and draw some subtraction sums
e.g. 36 – 24 = 12
Literacy – Choose a character from Madagascar and design a poster to convince people to vote for him/her to win the animal Olympics. Can you design a gold medal?
Stay & Learn Sessions for Maths
Year 2 – Wednesday 22nd April @ 9am
Year 1 – Friday 24th April @ 9am
FS2 – Thursday 23rd April @ 2.45pm
Plea for Maths Resources
Have any of your children outgrown a shop till or any purses/wallets that we can use for our role play areas? If so we would be glad to take them off your hands to enhance our learning. Thank you
Warm Weather Information
We have already had some lovely warm weather and hopefully the sun will continue to shine during the summer term. Could we therefore remind you to make sure that your child’s cardigans and jumpers are clearly labelled as they are frequently discarded on the playground when the children get warm whilst playing. We try our best to make sure that the children take home their own clothing but mix ups happen when clothing isn’t labelled. Also, in the event of particularly hot weather, please make sure that you provide a sun hat. Sun cream, can be brought to school but can only be applied by your child. Thank you
FABSS Easter Eggstravaganza
Fabss are thrilled to inform you that the total amount raised from the Easter Eggstravaganza is £671.39. Thank you to everyone for your support.
Year 1 Visit
We are in the process of arranging a visit for our Year 1 children to Flamborough Lighthouse and Bridlington in connection with our topic ‘Seaside Rescue’. The visit will hopefully take place on Monday 8th June and the cost is approximately £17. This will include a tour of the Lighthouse and a visit to Sewerby Hall and Bridlington Lifeboat Station. Further details will follow in due course.
Diary Dates
Parent Forum Meeting Monday 20th April @ 9am
FS1 & 2 Visits to Yorkshire Wildlife Park Wednesday 29th April
(Please refer to your letter) Thursday 30th April
May Day Holiday Monday 4th May
Break up for Spring Bank Holiday Friday 22nd Many
Back to School for Summer Term Monday 1st June
Inset Day Friday 19th June
Break up for Summer Holidays Friday 17th July @ 2.30pm