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By 7 May 2014December 17th, 2014


Welcome Back

We welcome you back after the Easter Holidays and trust that all your chocolate has now been eaten and you are feeling refreshed and ready for the coming term. Each year group has an exciting new topic which is outlined in the year group topic letters which you should already have received. We would again like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support in your child’s education.

Happy Home Learning

Practice our nursery rhyme of the week ‘1, 2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive’, sing it to your grown up using your fingers to count to 10.

FS2 Homework

Literacy – We have been reading the story of Rainbow Fish. Draw a picture of Rainbow Fish, labelling the different colours that you use. Please use at least 3 different colours.

Maths – Practice simple subtractions. Sing some taking away songs with your child (e.g. 5 current buns in a bakers shop or 5 little men in a flying saucer).  Practice subtracting using numbers to 10; write some sums down in your homework book.

Year 1 Homework

Literacy – We are really excited about our visit next week. Can you find out some facts about Flamborough Lighthouse?

Numeracy – Can you practise your number bonds to 20? What two numbers total 20?

Year 2 Homework

Spellings – animal, their, habitat, diet, where, wild, Africa

Phonics – Can you go on a ‘noun’ safari? Sort your nouns into groups. Person, object or place and write them in your homework book.

Maths – Using the partitioning strategy to add 2 digit numbers as follows:-

Step 1 – Partition      24                        32

                            20       4              30       2

Step 2 – Add the tens              20 + 30 = 50

Step 3 – Add the units               4 +   2 =  6

Step 4 – Combine answers         50 + 6 = 56

Topic – What can you find out about elephants?

Class of the Week 7th April – 11th April

Congratulations to the children in Mrs Turner’s and Mrs Mottram’s class. Both classes achieved a level of 99% for the final week of last term and share the ‘Class of the Week’ title.


Each month our overall attendance figures are forwarded to the Local Authority and as you are aware our target level is 95.50%. The table below shows the levels we have achieved so far this school year. As you will notice we failed to meet our target in October and February which was due to children being absent due to ill health, which cannot be avoided. The amount of term time holidays has dropped significantly and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support by sending your child to school regularly and on time.




JAN 14



OCT 13



FEB 14



NOV 13






DEC 13






100% Attendance

There are 72 children who achieved 100% attendance for the Spring Term and we are very proud of them. They will each receive a certificate in due course.


Fabss can now confirm that the amount raised from the Easter Eggstravaganza was £455. Also, there are still pitches left for the car boot sale which will be held on Sunday 11th May from 9am. To book or for more information call 07948 998236 or visit

Kenya Appeal

Mrs Shaw is now back from her visit to Kenya and would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who sent in their old shoes and to those who sent in donations for non uniform day.  A total of £210 was raised for the project. The children in Kenya were very pleased with the shoes and have sent a letter to say thank you, which is attached to the Newsletter.

Diary Dates

Monday 5th May                               School Closed for May Day Bank Holiday

Tuesday 6th May                              Year 1 Children visit to Flamborough Lighthouse (Leaves 8.30am)

Friday 20th June                              Inset Day