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Newsletter 10 – 16th March 2017

By 16 March 2017March 23rd, 2017

Newsletter 10 – Spring Term 16th March
Happy Home Learning
This week we have been rescuing the giant by making him a new beanstalk. Can you draw a picture of your favorite character from the story that we have been reading?
Red PM Group
We have been reading Rumble in the Jungle. Can you draw a picture of your favorite character to display in our reading area?
Foundation Stage 2
Literacy – This week we have been learning about the story of the Three Little Pigs. In your homework book, can you draw the big bad wolf and write a sentence about what he said or did to the three little pigs?
Number – We have been learning to add two amounts together. Using resources at home (e.g. buttons, sweets etc. practise adding two amounts together. During this activity support your child to understand mathematical language e.g. amounts, add, adding, addition, equals, altogether, how many?
Year 1
Reading – Please read your reading books. Are there any words you don’t know the meanings of? See if you can you find out?
Spellings – closest, furthest, hottest, coldest, biggest, there, some, earth.
Maths – Use one ten pence coin and ten one pence coins to make 20p. How many different ways can you split the 20p into two purses? Remember to count the ‘teens’ amount starting with the 10p. e.g if you are counting 13p, point to the 10p coin and say 10…..then 11,12 13
You could record it like this

19p 1p

Year 2
Maths – Have a look at the following division calculations and use sharing circles to solve the problems. Some may not be shared equally and have remainders.
25 ÷ 5 = 36 ÷ 5 = 12 ÷ 2 = 21 ÷ 10 = 20 ÷ 10 = 24 ÷ 5 =
Literacy – Can you write a list of expanded noun phrases to describe your mum or dad.
Spellings – other, mother, brother, nothing, another
Parent Charter
We are immensely proud to inform you that Bramley Sunnyside Infant School has been awarded ‘Rotherham Charter Gold Accreditation’. This is a fantastic achievement which would not have been achieved without the ongoing support and feedback from our families. We would like to extend our grateful thanks to the parents who regularly attend our parent forum meetings and to those who gave up their time to attend the meeting on Accreditation Day. A full report will follow which will be made available to all our parents/carers as soon as we receive it.
School Borders
The spring flowers have now started to make their appearance and are brightening up the school grounds beautifully. Unfortunately, some of the flowers are getting damaged by little feet (and sometimes not so little feet) wandering onto the borders. Could we politely request that you take care to keep to the paths and supervise children when walking through the grounds?Thank you
Science Week
Following on from this week’s national science week we will be holding our very own science week in school starting Monday 20th March ’17.
We will turn ourselves into amazing scientists carrying out investigations and having fun with exciting experiments.
Quantum Theatre group will perform a show around the science theme of materials and our very own mad scientist from WSSCO will also join us.
Red Nose Day – 24th March
We will be supporting Red Nose Day by holding a non-uniform day, wear something red. Any donations will be gratefully received and sent to Comic Relief.
Class of the Week – 6th March to 10th March 2017
Class 7 have had another fantastic week and have achieved an overall attendance level of 100% AGAIN! Unit 3 also deserve a special mention for attaining a level of 99.3%. We are very proud of you!
SATS Meeting
We would like to keep you informed regarding SATs and have therefore arranged an information meeting for parents and carers of children in Year 2 (Parents with children in other year groups can also attend). The meeting will be held on Monday 27th March at 2.30pm and repeated at 5pm.
Church Visit
The children will be walking to St Francis Church for our Easter Refection on Friday 7th April. Weather permitting; we will be making our way down to church after morning registration. If any parents/carers would like to join with us we would love to see you there. Anyone wishing to come along should arrive at church for approximately 9.30am.
Reminder – St Francis Church Indoor Car Boot Sale
This Saturday, 18th March, there will be an ‘Indoor Car Boot Sale’ at St Francis’ Church commencing at 3pm. Everyone is welcome and there is no admission charge.
Diary Dates
Friday 24th March Year 2 Visit to EIS for Multi Sports Activity
Friday 24th March Non uniform day
Monday 27th March SATs Meeting
Friday 7th April Easter Visit to St Francis Church
Friday 7th April School closes for the Easter Holidays
Monday 24th April Return to school for Summer Term
Monday 1st May School closed for May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 26th May School closes for Spring Bank Half Term
Monday 5th June Back to School
Thursday 8th June Class Photographs
(No individual photographs will be taken on this occasion)
Tuesday 25th July School closes for the Summer Holidays

Term dates up to July 2018 can be found on line at Inset days for the next school year (2017 – 2018) will be issued on the Newsletter as soon as they have been confirmed.
Friday 17th February
Thursday 15th June
Friday 16th June