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Newsletter 10 – 17th November 2016

By 17 November 2016Newsletter

Newsletter 10 – Autumn Term 17th November 2016

Happy Home Learning
We have been continuing our learning about Goldilocks and the 3 Bears and we have been learning about size. Can you order your teddies from biggest to smallest? We would love to see and hear all about your learning next week.
Foundation Stage 2
This week in literacy we have been reading Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. We have made wanted posters and even wrote letters to Goldilocks. In your homework book can you draw and label a picture of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears? Remember to use your Fred Fingers to sound the words out and write the sounds you can hear.
In maths we have been ordering objects by size. Please practise this with things in your home (teddies, cups, toys etc.) You could take a picture and stick it in your book.
We would also like you to practise getting dressed and undressed by yourselves. We have been doing really well at this in PE so remember to keep practising!
Year 1
Reading – Please read your reading book. Is it fiction or non fiction? What did you learn about in your non fiction book? What did you like about the story in your fiction book?
Spellings – he, his, has, toy, boy, enjoy, annoy.
Writing – Can you write some facts about penguins in your homework book?
Year 2
Spellings – giant, magic, ginger, giraffe, strange. Please practise other words with the ‘g’ sound so you are ready for the ‘mystery words’.
Maths – can you find ¼ of the following numbers?
12, 20, 4, 8, 16
Topic – We would like you to research The Inuit. Where do they live? How do the live?
Christmas Lunch
As you are aware the Christmas Lunch will be on Thursday 15th December and the choices for the day are (Red) Christmas dinner with Roast Turkey and all the trimmings, (Yellow) Cheese flan. Please note that there will be no chilled choice selection on this day and you will need to provide a packed lunch from home if your child does not want a hot dinner.
The cook needs to know how many she is catering for in advance and we would ask that you make your child’s selection before next Tuesday by ticking the relevent column next to their name on the list in each classroom. We will not be able to order any extra hot lunches after next Tuesday and if no selection is made you will need to provide a packed lunch on the day.
Visit to Sundown Adventureland
Please make sure you return your consent slip to school before Wednesday 23rd November. Thank you
Children in Need
Reminder – We will be taking part in ‘The Big Spotacular’ tomorrow in support of Children in Need. We are having a ‘Spotty’ themed non-uniform day and there will be ‘spotty’ buns for sale at playtime for the children to buy for 30p each. If you can help with donations of buns please bring them to your child’s classroom tomorrow morning. Thank you
Charitable Donations
Thank you for your kind donations on non-uniform day. A cheque for £100 has been prepared for Guide Dogs for the Blind.
Class of the Week – 7th to 11th November
Congratulations to Class 8 who have attained an attendance level of 97.9%.

Class Attendance for October – School Target 95.7%

Unit 2 Mrs Davies & Mrs Rothwell 95.4
Unit 3 Miss Williams 96.4
Unit 4 Mrs Dennis 96.2
Class 5 Mrs Gilardoni 91.9
Class 9 Mrs Mottram 97.5
Class 8 Mrs Hanby 93.2
Class 6 Mrs Rushton 95.2
Class 10 Mrs Goulding 97.9
Class 7 Mrs Stothard 93.2

Whole School for Month 95.2
Whole School for Year to Date 96.2

Diary Dates
Friday 18th November Children in Need – Spotty Day
Wednesday 30th November SENCO drop in session
Monday 5th December Visit to Sundown Adventureland FS1am & Unit 4
Tuesday 6th December Visit to Sundown Adventureland FS1pm, Unit 2 & 3
Thursday 15th December Christmas Dinner – Further details to follow
Friday 16th December School closes for the Christmas Holidays
Tuesday 3rd January Back to School for Spring