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Newsletter 10 – Spring Term 17th March 2016

By 17 March 2016April 11th, 2016Newsletter

Newsletter 10 – Spring Term 17th March 2016

Happy Home Learning
We have been talking about Spring. What signs of Spring can you see when you are out and about? Can you draw a picture of your favourite sign of Spring?
Foundation 2 Homework
For your homework during the Easter holidays can you create your own Easter map? You could draw an egg hunt and label it!
In maths we would like you to practise repeating patterns. Can you design your own Easter egg using repeating patterns? Draw the egg template in your homework book and use colours to make your pattern.
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – Please practise reading and spelling the common exception words for Year 1.
Maths – Make a pretend shop and have a go at using money to pay for different things. How much money do you need? How many ways can we make 10p/50p? What change will you get?
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – Please read and spell the following common exception words – could, should, would, who, whole, any, many, clothes, busy, people.
Maths – Can you find half (½) and a quarter (¼) of the following numbers? 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28
Literacy – Please read the book or watch the film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ready for our new topic.
Year 2 Celebration Assembly
We would like to invite you to the Year 2 Celebration Assembly on Friday 8th April at 2.30pm entitled ‘Backyard Junk to Uptown Funk’ which will be a celebration of our topic work on recycling.
Attendance Matters
Following on from last week’s newsletter, please could I urge parents to avoid requesting leave of absence in term time. Year 2 children will be taking their end of year assessment tests throughout the month of May, and Year 1 children will take their phonics screening check in the month of June. It is vital that all children have the highest possible attendance if they are to reach their full potential.
Class of the Week – 29th February to 4th March
Congratulations to the children in Unit 2 who are our ‘Class of the Week’ with an attendance level of 99.3%.
Class of the Term
Wow! The attendance levels are really close this term but the ‘Class of the Term’, with a level of 97.5% is Class 8. Class 9 attained a level of 97.3% and Class 9 attained a level of 97%. All classes are still in contention to become Class of the Year and every child can help to achieve this for their class.
100% Attendance
We are thrilled that there are 89 children who have attained 100% attendance for the Spring Term. Certificates will be given out when we return to school after the Easter Holidays. We are very proud of all the children who attend regularly and on time and there are currently 35 children who are currently on target to achieve 100% attendance for the school year. Well done!
National Recognition!
We are extremely proud to announce that a case study of recent work we have undertaken in Foundation Stage around the use of early years pupil premium funding has been recognised and published on the Foundation Year’s website.
This work was led by Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs Alison McCaffery in Foundation Stage 1, supported by the whole Foundation team. Our case study highlighted the excellent work undertaken in developing relationships between home and school in order to support children’s learning. This has included Stay and Learn Sessions, open evenings/afternoons, story sacks and Bedtime Bear bags.
I am deeply saddened to have to report that a small number of children (including older siblings from the Junior school) continue to ignore our pleas in previous correspondence and are continuing to disrespect the outdoor equipment in Foundation Stage, whilst waiting for younger siblings. This week we had incidents of children throwing stones at the Foundation stage classroom windows. This was quite frightening for our younger children and could have resulted in a lot of damage and costly bills – money which should be spent on resources for the children.
Should this kind of unacceptable behaviour continue, it will be followed up more formally with the individuals concerned and could lead to them being denied access to our school premises at the end of the day and alternative arrangements for their collection will have to be made.
I would ask all parents to support our behaviour expectations and sincerely thank those who already do so on a regular basis.
Armed Forces Day Competition
The Yorkshire Regiment will be on parade in Rotherham on Saturday 25th June to celebrate Armed Forces Day. The organisers are hoping that the event will be even bigger and better than previous years and would like to invite our children to help publicise the occasion. Children are being encouraged to design the image which will be included on the promotion poster. The image can be very much the pupils own design and two winners will be chosen, one from primary schools and one from secondary school. The winners will each receive a £20 Meadowhall voucher which will be presented on Armed Forces Day and also have the chance to be a VIP for the day, (accompanied by a maximum of 2 parents/carers). All entries should be brought to school and handed in at the Main Reception, no later than Tuesday April 2016.
Information Exchange – Rotherham Disabled Children and Young People
Issue 8 of the Information Exchange newsletter is available to view at
The letter includes news, advice, contact numbers and details of upcoming events.
Sport Relief
Please remember that tomorrow is non uniform day in aid of Sport Relief. Any donation will be gratefully received and sent to the Sport Relief fund.

Diary Dates
Friday 18th March Sport Relief Day
Friday 18th March Term Ends for Easter Holidays
Friday 8th April Celebration Assembly Year 2
Monday 4th April Return to school for Summer Term
May During this month Y2 children sit end of Key Stage assessment tests.
(An information session for parents will be advertised on our return).
Monday 2nd May May Day Holiday (One day only)
Thursday 26th May School closes for Spring Bank Half Term
Friday 27th May Inset Day
June During this month Y1 children take the phonics screening check.
(An information session for parents will be advertised on our return).
Monday 6th June Return to School
Friday 17th June Inset Day
Tuesday 19th July School Closes