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Newsletter 10 – Summer Term 6th July

By 6 July 2017School News

Newsletter 10 – Summer Term 6th July 2017
Happy Home Learning
Please work with your child to learn the new song which was handed out yesterday.
Foundation Stage 2
Literacy – We had such a wonderful time during sports day! Can you draw a picture and write about your favourite sports day activity?
Numeracy – We have been thinking lots about time. Can you ask your grown up to time you for 30 seconds and see how many hops skips and jumps you can do You can record this in your homework book.
Year 1
Spellings – very, happy, funny, party, family, churches, friends, books, thanks, boxes
Maths – Please practise addition and subtraction bonds for 10 e.g. 9 + 1 = 9, 10 – 1 = 9
If you can do this, try 20 e.g. 19 + 1 = 20, 20 – 1 = 19
Topic – Can you draw and label the parts of a flowering plant?
Year 2
Spellings – bandana, revolver, Chuck Wagon, chaps, wrangler
Literacy – Can you discuss with your grown up what you have enjoyed learning in Year 2? Also, discuss what you feel you have made progress in. Write a few sentences to share your ideas with the class.
Maths – Play ‘Only 11’. Using a pack of cards, remove the picture cards and shuffle the remaining cards. Turn over 9 cards so the numbers are facing up. Then, turn over the top card from the pack and try and make 11 with one of the other cards. Repeat until you have mad 9 pairs that equal 11.
Class of the Week 26th – 30th June
Wow! Class 8 achieved 100% attendance. We are really proud of you!
Overall Attendance – Weekly Update
The overall level is still 96.1%.
Sainsbury’s Voucher
Thank you to everyone who saved their Sainsbury’s Active Vouchers. We have been able to order some wonderful outdoor play equipment which the children will enjoy using during lunchtime. These include, Skipping Ropes, Fuzzballs, Hydro Catch and Club Shuttle Cocks.
All About Reading This Summer

“The more I read, the better I get at reading.
The better I get, the more I enjoy reading.
It’s the summer holidays. Your child is on their reading journey – keep them reading this summer at home!
Top Tips:
Read to your child every day. Did you know that if you read to your child every day it helps them become better readers? Some children love to hear the same story over and over. Sometimes it’s boring for us but not for them!
Revisit the Read, Write, Inc sounds in the home-school diary.
Encourage your child to ‘Fred Talk’ if they need to when they are reading. E.g. ‘m…a…t’, and then say the whole word, ‘mat’.
Read when you’re out and about. E.g. shop signs, road signs, timetables etc.
Let your child see you enjoy reading!
Visit your local library. Wickersley Library is doing a fun free reading challenge this summer, where your child will be challenged to read 6 books. Pop in to find out more!
Grab yourself a bargain and look out for second hand books in charity shops and car boot sales.

Dates for your Diary we will be g cress-head window-boxes.
Monday 10th July FS1 Graduation Ceremonies 11am & 2.15pm
Thursday 13th July FS2 Topic Celebration 9.30am
Monday 17th July Year 1 Topic Celebration
Tuesday 18th July Parent Walkabout 3pm to 5pm
Friday 21st July Year 2 Leavers Assembly @ 2pm
Tuesday 25th July Year 2 – Year 3 Transition Picnic
Tuesday 25th July School closes for the Summer Holidays at the earlier time of 2.05pm

Inset Days – Sept 2017 to July 2018
Monday 4th September 2017 (School year begins on Tuesday 5th September)
Monday 6th November 2017 (October Half Term Previous Week)
Friday 9th February 2018 (February Half Term Following Week)
Friday 22nd June 2018

Monday 23rd July 2018 (School closes for the Summer Holidays on Friday 20th July 2018)

Benefit Related Free School Meals (Pupil Premium Grant)
As you will be aware, all children in FS2, Year 1 & 2 are entitled to receive free school meals which have been funded by central government since September ’14.
However, many families do not realise that they may still qualify for benefit related free meals (pupil premium) If awarded, your child will have the opportunity to enjoy a free school meal, free educational visits, free after school clubs and many other activities which take place throughout the school and normally involve payment.

In addition to the above from September 2017, any pupil eligible for the pupil premium grant will also receive a gift voucher to the value of £25 enabling parents to purchase a set of uniform from one of our local suppliers; Ella Bella’s in Bramley. This will be issued by the school office upon confirmation from RMBC Benefits Department.

The school also benefits from this additional funding via the Pupil Premium Grant, as this funding is given to schools to raise the attainment of children and enables us to provide many additional support mechanisms such as interventions, additional support staff along with financial assistance for educational visits and activities.

Am I Eligible to Apply for Benefit Related Free School Meals (and therefore be eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant?)

If as parents/carers you receive one of the following, you may be able to claim for benefit related Free School Meals and the benefits this brings including free activities
• Income support
• Income Based Jobseekers’ Allowance
• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
• Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
• The Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
• Child Tax Credit, provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit, and have an annual income, of no more than £16,190 (as of 2014 financial year) as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs
• Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

Free School Meals Helpline – 01709 336066
The Free School Meals Team on the above telephone number can assess your claim using an eligibility checker to confirm entitlement. Applications can be made over the phone or by accessing the following link:
Alternatively, please do not hesitate to phone or call into the school office where someone will be more than happy to offer support and advice with completion of forms. Any information received will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

Please help us to provide the best support for your child by registering for Free School Meals if you are eligible. This is a confidential service, and even if you register and your child does not always wish to have a free school meal, i.e. they want to bring a packed lunch, you would still be entitled to the many other discounts associated with this benefit.