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Newsletter 10

By 21 March 2014December 17th, 2014

Happy Home Learning – Please practise our rhyme of the week Old McDonald had a Farm. We have been practising writing our names during our busy learning jobs, can you help support your child at home writing their names and recognising numbers 1-10?

FS2 HomeworkLiteracy – In literacy this week we have been learning about rhyming words. See if you can make 3 rhyming strings. E.g. cat, sat, mat, pat, bat.

Maths – In maths this week we have been adding two amounts together. Using objects at home ( e.g. spoons), see if you can add two amounts together and draw them in your homework book.

spoon  spoon spoon  +       spoon spoon          =    5               

Year 1 Homework

Literacy – Draw a picture of your favourite mini beast and write some fact boxes around the outside about it. The more interesting the better.

Maths – Find the missing number. Give your child a challenge to see if they can complete the number sentence that you have given them e.g. 5 + ¨ = 9. Don’t forget to see if they can do it the other way too ¨ + 6 = 8.

Year 2 Homework

Spellings – careful, know, people, could, looked, would

Phonics – Think of some words with i – e like in bike, ripe & stripe

Maths – Can you work on your maths targets in the front of your reading diaries?

Design, make or draw an imaginary sea creature. How many legs/eyes? What colour would it be? What special features would it have?

Stay & Play Sessions – Foundation Stage 1 – Week commencing 31st March

Mrs Fitzgerald's group Monday 31st March, Mrs Doherty's group Wednesday 2nd April & Mrs Dean’s group Thursday 3rd April (please note the change from original date). Sheets for booking your appointment to see your child's key worker are now up in the unit, if you are unable to make any of the dates and times please speak to a member of staff when a mutually convenient time can be made.

Class of the week 10th –14th March

Miss Dawson’s class achieved a level of 99.3%. What a fabulous week, we are very proud of you!

Fixed Penalty Notice

Regrettably, we have had to make our first fixed penalty notice referral for taking children out of education during term time. Our policy is not to authorise requests for leave during term time unless there are exceptional and unavoidable circumstances. If you are considering taking your child out of school during term time please call into school and speak to a member of the admin staff who will be more than happy to provide a copy of the Learning Community Policy and provide advice and guidance regarding these government guidelines.

Gate/Doors Opening & Closing Times

Doors to Foundation Stage 2 & Main School open at 8.50am (Allowing 10 minutes to spend with your child)

All doors close at 9am prompt (All parents/carers should have left the building in order for learning to begin)

Gates to Foundation close at 9.05am and gates to Main school close at 9.10am

Anyone arriving at school after 9am should report to main reception, (even if the doors/gates are still open). If you are unhappy with this situation, we would ask that you discuss your concerns with Mrs Smith. This policy is in place for the safety of your children and is non negotiable.

Strike Day

Strike action is still scheduled to go ahead on Wednesday 26th March and we would urge you to make alternative childcare arrangements as the school will be forced to close on this day. Should there be a change to the planned action we will inform you as soon as possible. Please remember that dinner money for next week will be £7.40.

Foundation Stage 1 Admissions September 2014

We still have a few afternoon places available in our Foundation Stage 1 for children who are due to start in September. Please contact school if you have or know anyone with children who are eligible and have not yet applied.

Easter Bonnet Parade – Wednesday 9th April

Our annual Easter bonnet parade is only 2 weeks away. Help your child to make an Easter themed bonnet so that they can take part in the parade. We have had some very imaginative and colourful entries in the past and look forward to seeing this years spectacular creations. All entries will be judged and prizes given to the lucky winners.