Newsletter 11 – Spring Term 23rd March
Foundation Stage 1 & 2
Homework for the next two weeks will be to design and make an Easter bonnet ready for the last week of term. You could use your homework book to design your Easter bonnet before you make it.
Year 1
Reading – Please read your reading books. Are there any words you don’t know the meanings of? Can you find out?
Spellings – my she love mother mummy most pretty lovely kind kindest helpful
Topic – Think about our space topic and get creative. You could draw, paint or make a model of a planet, rocket or moon buggy.
Year 2
Maths – Can you find half of the following amounts?
12 16 20 24 28
Remember to use sharing circles.
e.g. ½ of 6 = 3
Literacy – Please change your gold sticker book and share it with your grown up. Can you summarise what happened at the end of each page?
Spellings – key, donkey, monkey, chimney, valley
What could the mystery spellings be?
Shoe Recycling Bin Reminder
We would like to remind you that we now have a shoe recycling bin outside the main office. The funds raised from the donation of footwear will support The Variety Club. This is a fantastic charity who aims to improve the lives of children and young people throughout the UK who are sick, disabled or disadvantaged. More information about their charitable work can be found at
Red Nose Day – Friday 24th March
Tomorrow, we will be supporting Red Nose Day by holding a non-uniform/wear something red day. Any donations will be gratefully received and sent to Comic Relief.
Class of the Week – 13th March to 17th March 2017
Unit 3 had a special mention on our newsletter last week for ‘nearly’ achieving 100% attendance for the week. This week, they have succeeded and are ‘Class of the Week’. Well done to all the children in Unit3 for coming to school every day!
SATS Meeting
We would like to keep you informed regarding SATs and have therefore arranged an information meeting for parents and carers of children in Year 2 (Parents with children in other year groups can also attend). The meeting will be held on Monday 27th March at 2.30pm and repeated at 5pm.
Church Visit
The children will be walking to St Francis Church for our Easter Reflection on Friday 7th April. Weather permitting; we will be making our way down to church after morning registration. If any parents/carers would like to join with us we would love to see you there. Anyone wishing to come along should arrive at church for approximately 9.30am.
Easter Bonnet Parade
On Thursday 6th April we will be holding an Easter Bonnet parade which all the children are invited to take part in. There will be a prize for the girl and boy in each class who design the best bonnet. We can’t wait to see your creations!
Free 30 hours Childcare
Millions of parents can now pre-register for the government’s new childcare offers, after the launch of the new ‘Childcare Choices’ government website
The introduction of the government’s Tax-Free Childcare scheme will begin on 28 April, for parents of the youngest children. It will be gradually rolled out over 2017 – cutting childcare costs for working families across the UK by up to £2,000 per child per year, or £4,000 for disabled children.
On top of this, from September this year parents of three and four year old children living in England will be able to apply for a new 30 hours free childcare offer, worth around £5,000 per child.
The Childcare Choices website includes a Childcare Calculator (
for parents to compare all the government’s childcare offers and check what works best for their families.
Through the site parents can also pre-register for email alerts that will notify them when they can apply, as well as providing details of existing government childcare offers.
FABSS Easter Eggstravaganza
There will be a bun stall at the Easter Eggstravaganza and Fabss would be grateful for any donations of buns or cakes. Please take to either school reception next Thursday morning. Thank you.
Book Club
We have recently celebrated ‘World Book Day’ and it is obvious that our children love to listen to stories and read books. Therefore, we would like to remind you of the Book Club which is voluntarily run by our lovely ‘Book Club Ladies’ every Thursday morning. Each class is taken, in turn, to the library to look at the selection of books and every child has the opportunity to buy a book. The idea is that the children bring a small amount of money to school (in an envelope) each week to ‘save up’ for the book of their choice. This introduces them to the concept of saving; a valuable life lesson which will help them to understand that it isn’t always possible to have everything ‘now’. It also helps them to develop their number skills. You could help by asking your child, “How much does the book cost?”, “How many weeks will it take to pay for the book if you take 50p each week?” etc.
All the books are age appropriate and include picture books, story books and information books. Once your child has chosen a book, the amount they pay each week is recorded until the total amount is paid. Your child can then bring home their book to enjoy.
Diary Dates
Friday 24th March Year 2 Visit to EIS for Multi Sports Activity
Friday 24th March Non uniform day
Monday 27th March SATs Meeting
Thursday 30th March FABSS Easter Eggstravaganza
Thursday 6th April Easter Bonnet Parade
Friday 7th April Easter Visit to St Francis Church
Friday 7th April School closes for the Easter Holidays at the usual time
Monday 24th April Return to school for Summer Term
Monday 1st May School closed for May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 26th May School closes for Spring Bank Half Term
Monday 5th June Back to School
Thursday 8th June Class Photographs
(No individual photographs will be taken on this occasion)
Tuesday 25th July School closes for the Summer Holidays
Term dates up to July 2018 can be found on line at Inset days for the next school year (2017 – 2018) will be issued on the Newsletter as soon as they have been confirmed.
Thursday 15th June
Friday 16th June