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Newsletter 11 – Autumn Term 24th November 2016

By 25 November 2016School News

Happy Home Learning

This week a magic elf has arrived in our classroom. At home please draw a picture of our elf remembering to use your Fred fingers while you are drawing.

 Foundation Stage 2

Literacy – This week we have been learning all about the nativity story, the First Christmas. Please ask your child if they can remember the main characters in the story and talk about what happened at the beginning, middle and end of it. Draw a picture of your favourite character and write their name. If you are feeling really clever see if you can write a sentence about your favourite character.

Numeracy – this week we have been focussing on ‘one more’ and have been doing this using frogs and number lines to 5 or 10. Please use the language of ‘more’ in conversation so children gain a deeper understanding of the vocabulary and then play ‘one more’ games i.e. singing rhymes e.g. ‘one little man in a flying saucer’ and use a number line to answer ‘one more’ questions.

 Year 1

Reading – Please read your reading books. Can you find any words with ‘toy for a boy oy’?

Spellings – your, are, so by, getting, putting, sitting, swimming

Maths – Choose a number from 5 up to 10 (We call this the whole number)

Use objects and split the number into 2 parts. You could record it like this

7   (whole)
/          \
6            1
(part)     (part)

Now put the parts back together to make the whole number again e.g. 6 + 1 = 7

Year 2

Spellings – jar, jacket, joke, join, jelly

There will also be 5 mystery spellings beginning with ‘j’. Can you think of what they might be and practice them?

Maths – Can you make a sandwich, cut it in half and then into quarters?. Can you eat a quarter and then tell your grown up what fraction is left?

Can you find a ¼ of an amount?   ¼of 8, ¼of 12, ¼of 16

Can you find 1/3 of an amount?  1/3 of 9,   1/3 of 12,   1/3 of 18

Literacy – Can you research about the Inuit who live in the Arctic?

What do they wear?

What do they eat?

What do they live in?

What do they use igloos for?

Charitable Donations – Children in Need

We had a fabulous day dressed in our spotty outfits and the children enjoyed buying the spotty buns which were on sale. Thank you for your kind donations and helping our school to raise £332.33.

 Class of the Week – 7th to 11th November

Congratulations to Class 8 who have attained an attendance level of 97.9%.

Penguin Dance

Due to practising for the Christmas performances, we have not been able to rehearse as much as we would have liked to. Therefore, we have decided to postpone our ‘Penguin Dance’ performance until Friday 9th December at 2.15pm. Thank you for your patience!


Please bring any donations for the Chocolate Tombola and the Bottle Lucky Dip to main reception. Any alcohol should be handed in by an adult.

Shoe Recycling –   After Christmas we will start collecting old & unwanted shoes in order to raise funds for school and The Variety Club. Please hang onto any you may have and we will let you know when the ‘shoe bank’ arrives.

Pushchairs & Prams

Please remember that pushchairs and prams should be left outside school when you are dropping off and collecting children from school. There is buggy shelter outside main reception (locks available from reception) which can be used if you are attending a performance or have a meeting with a member of staff.  This will also avoid bringing dirt into school during bad weather. Thank you

Support Group – SEND

Mrs Pilgrim will be holding a support group meeting each month in the junior school from 1pm to 3pm on the following dates:-

December 7th, January 18th, February 15th, March 15th, April 26th, May 17th, June 7th, July 12th.

Senco ‘Drop In’ Sessions

As previously mentioned on a recent newsletter, Mr Gill our Senco will be available to meet with parents on Wednesday 30th November from 9am to 11am. You can sign up for a 10 minute appointment by contacting the school office.

Diary Dates

Wednesday 30th November                    SENCO drop in session

Monday 5th December                           Visit to Sundown Adventure land FS1am & Unit 4

Tuesday 6th December                           Visit to Sundown Adventureland FS1pm, Unit 2 & 3

Thursday 15th December                        Christmas Dinner – Further details to follow

Friday 16th December                            School closes for the Christmas Holidays at 2.30pm

Tuesday 3rd January                             Back to School for Spring Term