Newsletter 11 Autumn Term – 16th November 2017
Happy Home Learning
This week we have been looking at the colour red and the shape of a triangle. Enjoy playing colour eye spy. I spy with my little eye something that is yellow? I spy with my little eye something that is blue? etc. Enjoy a shape walk, what shape is the car wheel? What shape is the door? What shape is the table? etc.
Foundation Stage 2
This week we would like you to practise writing your name in your homework book. Remember to use the letter formation rhymes in your reading diary to help you form the letters correctly.
In maths we have been learning to recognise numbers to 10. Please practise this at home and if you’re feeling really clever you could even write them in your book!
Year 1
Spellings of the week – out shout about around sound house so go
Maths – Think of a number. Use some objects to make your number. Can you add one more? How many altogether? Can you tell the story in different ways? E.g 5 and one more is 6 , 5 add 1 = 6 , 5 + 1 = 6 one more than 5 is 6, 6 is the same as 5 and one more. What can you notice when you add one more to a number?
Topic – We are learning about penguins. Can you find anything out about Emperor penguins?
Year 2
Spellings – July, try, cry, fly, dry.
What other words end with the y sound?
Maths – Recall your doubling facts up to 10. Practise saying them in different ways. Try to recall the answers without working them out.
e.g. double 6 is 12
Challenge yourself and double numbers up to 20.
e.g. double 14 is 28
Literacy – Practise forming capital letters correctly. Look at the handwriting example in your homework book for help
Breakfast Club
The breakfast club is now up and running and the children who attend have settled really well into their new routine. There are still places available should you be interested in your child attending any of the sessions.
Class of the Week – 6th to 10th November
We are very proud of all the children in Class 6 who had a wonderful week and attained 100% attendance. Well done!
Children in Need
The children can come to school dressed in spotty clothing tomorrow, or other non-uniform of their choice in support of Children in Need. There will be facilities in each classroom for donations, should you wish to give to this wonderful cause.
Flu Vaccinations – FS2, Y1 & Y2 – 7th December (PM)
Please look out for a letter tomorrow giving details about the flu vaccination which your child will be able to have at school, administered by the school nurse. Please complete the consent form as soon as possible if you want your child to be vaccinated.
We have had complaints from two local residents this week who have reported members of the public to the police for blocking drive ways and for using abusive and obscene language when asked to move. Could we once again remind parents/carers who are collecting children from school to be courteous to local residents and to park safely and within the law. Thank you
Diary Dates
Children in Need – Non Uniform Day Friday 17th November
FS1 Dress Rehearsal Monday 4th December
FS1 Nativity Tuesday 5th December 9.30am & 1.30pm
FS2 Dress Rehearsal Wednesday 6th December 9.30am
FS2 Nativity Thursday 7th December @ 9.30am
Flu Vaccinations FS2, Y1 & Y2 Thursday 7th December (PM)
Friday 8th December 9.30am & 1.30pm
Christmas Pantomime Aladdin Monday 11th December (FS2, Y1 & Y2)
(In school)
Key Stage 1 Dress Rehearsal Tuesday 12th December
Key Stage 1 Nativity Performances Wednesday 13th December 1.30pm
Thursday 14th December 9.30am & 1.30pm
Friday 15th December 9.30am
FABSS Winter Wonderland Friday 8th December 3pm to 6pm
FS2 & Key Stage 1 Party Day Tuesday 19th December
FS1 Party Day Wednesday 20th December
Father Christmas Visiting School Wednesday 20th December
Christmas Celebration at Thursday 21st December (AM)
St Francis’ Church for FS2, Y1 & Y2
(Weather Permitting)
School Closes for Christmas Friday 22nd December @ 2.05pm
Inset Days
Friday 9th February 2018
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018