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Newsletter 11 – Summer Term 23rd June 2016

By 24 June 2016

Happy Home Learning
This week we have been preparing for going to Foundation 2. Over the coming weeks we will be making lots of visits and taking part in lots of new activities with our friends. Please can you complete the transition passport with your child. It would be lovely if your child could draw a picture of themselves and tick off when they have completed the activities. A text will be sent out to remind them. There are lots of exciting times ahead, we are very excited!

Foundation 2 Homework
This week in literacy we have been looking at ‘The Train Ride’ story. We enjoyed acting out the story and using descriptive language to tell our friends what we could see through the train window. We would like you to pretend to go on a train ride and write your own sentence telling us what you can see through the window. You could also draw a picture to show us!
In maths we have been practising counting in 2s. In your homework book we would like you to draw a washing line full of pairs of socks, counting and labeling them in 2s.
Year 1 Homework
Maths – We have been learning about weight this week in maths. Can you make a list of things that weigh less than 1Kg and more than 1Kg from around your home?
Literacy – We have been learning to write numbers in words this week. Can you practise writing numbers 1-10 in words? Challenge yourself up to 20.

Year 2 Homework
Spellings – Great, fire, London, flames, blew, threw, chew, stew, flew
Maths – Compare two shapes. What is similar? What is different? You might need words like sides, corners (2D), edges faces vertices (3D), straight, curved, same length, lines of symmetry.
Literacy – Read your reading book. Can you find words with apostrophes. Why has the apostrophe been used? Sort the words for contraction or possession e.g. the girl’s dress (the apostrophe has been used for possession), don’t (the apostrophe has been used for contraction).
Transition FS1, FS2 and Year 1
We are quickly approaching the end of the school year and this week we are beginning the transition process as the children move into their new classes for visits. Each child in FS1, FS2 and Year 1, will receive their ‘Passport’ which includes some of the activities that the children will do on their forthcoming visits. There will be six sessions which will take place on the following days.
Session 1 Friday 24th June 9.10am – 12pm
Session 2 Monday 27th June 1.15pm – 3.15pm
Session 3 Wednesday 6th July 1.15pm – 3.15pm
Session 4 Thursday 7th July 9am – 12pm
Session 5 Tuesday 12th July 9am – 3pm (FS1 children will still attend for half a day and will)
Session 6 Friday 15th July 9am – 3pm (visit their new class either morning or afternoon )
Parent Walkabout
Once again we are giving you the opportunity to come along to our Parent Walkabout. This gives parents and carers the opportunity to say goodbye to their child’s current teacher and also visit their child’s new classroom and say hello to their new teacher. This will take place on Tuesday 12th July from 3.15pm until 5.30pm and we look forward to seeing you all.
Lost Property
We have once again accumulated a variety of lost property including coats, school uniform etc. It will be displayed on the stage for parents to come and reclaim from Friday 24th June until Wednesday 29th June, any items that have not been claimed will be taken to recycling.
Diary Dates
Thursday 30th June        Foundation Stage 1 closed
Friday 1st July                  Foundation Stage 1 closed
Tuesday 5th July              Sports Day @ 9.15am – FS2, Y1 & Y2
Tuesday 5th July              Sparky Marky Show for FS1,Y1 & Y2
Friday 8th July                 Sports Day @ 9.30am – FS1 (AM) session
Sports Day @ 1.30pm – FS1 (PM) session
Monday 11th July             Year 2 Leavers Disco 3.15pm – 4.30pm
Tuesday 12th July             Parent Walkabout 3.15pm – 5.30pm
Wednesday 13th July       Year 2 Leaver Assembly for parents @ 2.15pm (please note change of date from last weeks newsletter due to transition)
Tuesday 19th July             School closes for the Summer Holidays @ 2.30pm