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Newsletter 12 – Autumn Term 23rd November 2017

By 23 November 2017

Newsletter 12 Autumn Term – 23rd November 2017

Happy Home Learning
This week we have been learning about the colour blue and the rectangle shape. Can you find anything at home or while you are out and about that is blue or a rectangle shape? We have also been learning the rhyme 5 little snowmen. Encourage your child to sing the rhyme at home for you.
Foundation Stage 2
Literacy – This week we have started to learn about the Christmas Story. We have been reading the story and thinking about the main characters. Please reinforce the language of story and characters at home. Can the children draw a picture of three characters from the story and write their names.
Maths – We have been learning how to count reliably to 10 and even 20. Please help your child to practise 1 to 1 counting at home.
Year 1
Literacy – Can you find out 3 penguin facts and write them down? Please remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Spellings – what, how, do, you, will, have, be, call
Maths – Can you show some pictures that represent number sentences with 0 in
e.g. 5 + 0 = 5
11111 + = 11111
0 + 4 = 4
+ 1111 = 1111
Year 2
Spellings – flies, tries, replies, copies, babies
Maths – Please practise your number bonds to 20 on Topmarks Hit the Button
Science – Could you please watch Blue Planet 11 on BBC1 or BBC iplayer. Look out for the different habitats and how the creatures survive.
Class of the Week – 13th to 17th November
Wow! Class 10 are ‘Class of the Week’ after attaining a level of 100%. Class 6 did incredibly well too and attained 99.3%. We are very proud of you all!
Learning Resources
We have an exciting new learning resource website at school and as part of our subscription, children can access child this friendly learning resource at home by logging on to the following website:
Username – student27402
Password – bramley
We hope that you find this useful and enjoy the great resources, activities and video clips that can be accessed for age appropriate stages.
Lost Property
There are quite a few items of clothing in the lost property, including some lovely hats, scarves and school jumpers. Could you please check that your child has all their belongings as any unclaimed items will be sent to recycling at the end of next week.
Flu Vaccination
If you want your child to be vaccinated in school, the consent form must be returned by the latest Tuesday 28th November. If consent is not received then the medical staff will not be able to administer the vaccination. Thank you

Children in Need
We had a fabulous, colourful and very spotty day last Friday and have raised a total of £304 for Children in Need. Thank you for your support.
Christmas Dinner
On Thursday 21st December the catering staff will be preparing a traditional Christmas lunch of turkey and all the trimmings. There will be no chilled choice option on this day. Children who do not wish to have a Christmas lunch may choose a vegetarian option of cheese flan or bring a packed lunch from home.
Unless we hear otherwise, a turkey dinner will be ordered for every child. In order for the cook to prepare accurate quantities, please let the admin staff know by MONDAY 27th NOVEMBER if your child would like a cheese flan option or is bringing a packed lunch.
There is no need to let us know if your child requires the Turkey Christmas Dinner
St Francis Church Dates for your Diary
Christmas Market – St Francis Church will be holding a Christmas Market on Saturday 2nd December from 4pm to 6.30pm. There will be lots of stalls including craft, tombolas, various gifts and a raffle. Children are invited to attend in fancy dress and there is a competition for the best outfit.
Christingle Services – Christmas Eve @ 4pm and 6pm
Christmas Rock Hunt – There have been a number of small rocks hidden around the village. All the rocks have a picture of Baby Jesus painted on them. If you find one it is yours to keep.
Please look out for the flyer from St Francis church giving further details.

Diary Dates
FS1 Dress Rehearsal Monday 4th December
FS1 Nativity Tuesday 5th December 9.30am & 1.30pm
FS2 Dress Rehearsal Wednesday 6th December 9.30am
FS2 Nativity Thursday 7th December @ 9.30am
Flu Vaccinations FS2, Y1 & Y2 Thursday 7th December (PM)
Friday 8th December 9.30am & 1.30pm
Christmas Pantomime Aladdin Monday 11th December (FS2, Y1 & Y2)
(In school)
Key Stage 1 Dress Rehearsal Tuesday 12th December
Key Stage 1 Nativity Performances Wednesday 13th December 1.30pm
Thursday 14th December 9.30am & 1.30pm
Friday 15th December 9.30am
FABSS Winter Wonderland Friday 8th December 3pm to 6pm
FS2 & Key Stage 1 Party Day Tuesday 19th December
FS1 Party Day Wednesday 20th December
Father Christmas Visiting School Wednesday 20th December
Christmas Celebration at Thursday 21st December (AM)
St Francis’ Church for FS2, Y1 & Y2
(Weather Permitting)
School Closes for Christmas Friday 22nd December @ 2.05pm
Inset Days
Friday 9th February 2018
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018