Foundation Stage 1 Happy Home Learning
What numbers can you see on the registration plate of your car? What numbers can you see on the doors as you walk to school? Practise recognising numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5.What numbers can you see on the registration plate of your car? What numbers can you see on the doors as you walk to school? Practise recognising numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5.
Foundation 2 Homework
Literacy – We have been talking about our favourite things at Sundown and have discussed the storybook characters that we saw. Ask your child if they have a favourite character. Can they draw them? Can they write a sentence describing this character? Remember to write down the sounds that you hear in the words. Please help your child to sound each letter individually and then blend them together to read the following words: thick, zag, chip, quick, way, play. If possible write each word. Our sounds this week are ng, nk ,ng, ay, ee. Please use your diaries to practise them.
Numeracy – this week we have been learning about matching numerals to quantities e.g. if you have a written 3, finding 3 of an item. Practice doing this at home, you could also draw amounts and write the correct number next to them.
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – Make up your own story! It can have any characters you wish. Can you use adjectives to describe them?
Spellings – funny, sad, amazing, happy.
Maths – Please practise adding 1 more to random numbers. Are you brave enough to add 10 more?
Year 2 Homework
Literacy – Can you write and decorate 3 wow boxes about the Inuit people.
Spellings – graceful, careful, magical, beautiful, wonderful
Maths – Can you make a right angle checker out of 2 pieces of paper and go on a right angle hunt. See how many right angles you can find.
FABSS Winter Wonderland
Please remember to support FABSS at the Winter Wonderland tomorrow at 3.30pm to 6.30pm. There are games, crafts, hot & cold refreshments, not to mention Father Christmas, who is bringing his reindeers along for you to see before they prepare for their long journey on Christmas Eve. It’s going to be an exciting evening!
Christmas Performances
If you have not yet purchased your tickets for the Year 1&2 performance of ‘Baubles’, please do so at your earliest convenience. We currently have a few tickets left for each performance which will be allocated to those on our reserve list at the end of next week should they remain unsold. Therefore, please make your purchase as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. If you are unable to get into school please send your request, with payment, in an envelope, giving 2 preferences of which performance you can attend. Thank you
Class of the week 17th November – 21st November
Congratulations to the children in Mrs Stothard’s class. You have achieved an attendance level of 99.4% and are ‘Class of the Week’.
Morrison’s Christmas Decorations
It’s time to get creative again! We are thrilled that Morrison’s have once again invited our children to design and make the decorations for their Christmas tree which is placed in the store entrance. Last year the tree looked beautiful thanks to the efforts of our children. Please encourage your child to make a decoration at home (any material/colour of their choice) and bring it to school by Wednesday 3rd December. Morrison’s have asked for pictures of ‘Christmas Scenes’, which should also be brought to school before next Wednesday. We can’t wait to see your creations! Please add your child’s name and class so we know who our fabulous artists are. The best designer from each year group will earn a dip in the treasure box!
Diary Dates
FS1 (AM) & FS2 Performance Thursday 4th December 9.30am
FS1 (PM) & FS2 Performance Thursday 4th December 1.30pm
FS2 Performance Friday 5th December 9.30am
Year 1 & 2 Performance Wednesday 10th December 1.30pm
Thursday 11th December 9.15am
Thursday 11th December 1.30pm
Friday 12th December 9.15am
Please note that entry to the hall will be via the main entrance only and the doors will open 15 minutes before each performance
FS2, Y1 & Y2 Jack & the Beanstalk Tuesday 2nd December
Year 2 Visit to Montgomery Theatre Wednesday 3rd December
Christmas Party FS2, Y1 & Y2 Tuesday 16th December
Christmas Party FS1 Wednesday 17th December
Visit from Father Christmas Wednesday 17th December
School Closes for Christmas Holidays Friday 19th December @ 2.30pm