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Newsletter 12 – December 1st

By 1 December 2016

Newsletter 12 – Autumn Term 24th November 2016

Happy Home Learning
This week we have been learning about positional language. Can the children follow our instructions? Ask them to place their favourite toys above, below under and inside.
Foundation Stage 2
This week we have been continuing our learning about the Christmas story and practising our performance. Please draw a picture of yourself in your costume and write the name of your character.
Year 1
Reading – Please read your reading books and remember it’s 3 reads to get a stamp.
Spellings – how, what, went, said, they, were, was, no, go, to.
When you are learning your spellings remember to use the strategy ‘Look, cover, write, check’. Parents can help their child by checking that the words are spelt correctly by getting them to write them in a sentence. All common cenception words are on page 27 of your child’s diary.
Spellings – race, ice, city, fancy, circus. Remember to practise words with the soft c which might be our mystery spellings.
Maths – Can you choose a number from 1-10? What can you subract from your number? Can you show your calculation in pictures, words or a number sentence?
Year 2
Literacy – Can you write an acrostic poem using the word Christmas, where the letters in the word Christmas form the first letter for each line?
e.g. C is for my beautiful, sparkly Christmas Tree. H is for green, shiny holly that is full of rip, red berries. Please use noun phrases in each line.
Maths – Can you do a quick recall of number facts for adding and subtracting within 20?
e.g. 12 + 8 = 20, 20 – 3 = 17
Charitable Donations
Our Foundation children have already delighted us with their Christmas performances and we look forward to watching Year 1 & 2 next week. Each year after the performances, we hold a voluntary collection for a nominated charity and this year, all donations will be sent to Bluebell Wood. We thank you for your generosity, especially at this financially demanding time of year.
Class of the Week – November 21st to 25th
Congratulations to the children in Class 5 who attained a level of 99.2%. A fantastic effort!

Monthly Attendance
Unit 2 92.7
Unit 3 91.9
Unit 4 93.9
Class 5 94.0

Class 9 98.9
Class 8 97.0
Class 6 95.8
Class 10 97.3
Class 7 97.4

The overall attendance level for October is 94.8% which falls below our expected level. Please see the important attendance information at the end of the newsletter.

Head Lice
Please check your child’s hair for head lice as there have been several cases reported in school.
Tomorrow FABSS will be hosting the annual ‘Winter Wonderland’. The festivities begin at 3.30pm until 7pm and we look forward to seeing you there
Messy Church
St Francis church will be holding a Christmas themed Messy Church this Sunday at 4pm. There will be Christmas craft activities to get involved with and pizza to eat. Everyone is invited to join in the fun.
Sundown Visit Reminder – Foundation Stage
Please remember to send your child with a packed lunch if you have not ordered a school chilled choice. All children should arrive at school at 8.45am on the day of their visit, wearing their school uniform and outdoor coats, hats & gloves etc. Also, Foundation Stage 1 is closed to PM children on Monday 5th and to AM children on Tuesday 6th. Thank you

Diary Dates
Friday 2nd December FABSS Winter Wonderland
Monday 5th December Visit to Sundown Adventure land FS1am & Unit 4
Tuesday 6th December Visit to Sundown Adventureland FS1pm, Unit 2 & 3
Thursday 15th December Christmas Dinner
Friday 16th December School closes for the Christmas Holidays at 2.05pm
Tuesday 3rd January Back to School for Spring Term


MONTH AUTH UNAUTH TOTAL ATTENDANCE MET/NOT MET % Had no term time holiday been taken
September 2.7 0.7 3.4 96.6 MET N/A
October 3.33 1.5 4.8 95.2 NOT MET 97.1
November 3.8 2.1 5.9 94.1 NOT MET 97.06
December 3.7 1.0 4.7 95.3 NOT MET 95.92
January 3.1 1.0 4.1 95.9 MET N/A
February 3.9 0.7 4.6 95.4 NOT MET 95.45
March 3.4 0.3 3.7 95.7 MET 95.9
April 3.1 1.2 4.3 95.7 MET 96.62
May 3.4 3.0 6.3 93.7 NOT MET 96.7
June 5.0 2.2 7.2 94.2 NOT MET 96.4
July 3.9 4.2 8.1 91.9 NOT MET 95.7
Yearly %
To date 94.8 NOT MET 96.3

As you are aware, attendance was highlighted as an area for improvement at our recent Ofsted inspection. We have now failed to reach our annual target of 95.7% for two consecutive school years, even with a target level set below the national average of 96%. Therefore, we have been informed by the Local Education Authority that our attendance target has now increased from 95.7 to 96%, to fall in line with national standards. Attaining this level will be a challenge; therefore, any suggestions as to what more we can do to improve the level of 94.8% (last year’s attained level) would be appreciated, as we work together to raise our levels.
The table above, shows our monthly attainment levels, the percentage of authorised and unauthorised absence (mostly term time holidays) and the levels we would have attained had no term time holiday been taken for last year. Whilst majority of absence is due to illness, the table indicates, that had there been no unauthorised absence due to holidays, we would have exceeded our target.
Also, the following information boxes are designed to give you more information about how absence affects your child, together with some useful information reminding you of our school expectations regarding attendance.

1. Contact school with a reason on each day of absence. We will call you if we have not had a message for 9.30am.
2. Please try to make medical/dental appointments during the school holidays. If this is not possible, please bring your child to school for as much of the day as possible. Your child will receive their sessional mark if they arrive before 10.30am ( a late mark will be registered) and if the appointment is in the afternoon they will receive their sessional mark if they are present for registration at 1pm (12.30pm Foundation Stage 2).
3. No term time leave will be authorised unless there are extenuating circumstances surrounding the request. If you do choose to take your child on holiday during term time an unauthorised holiday mark will be entered in the register.
4. It is acceptable to bring your child to school at any time during the day should they feel better. For example, if they wake up with tummy ache and then feel fine at 11am, bring them to school.
5. Is your child really ill or are they ‘Trying it On’? There are days, even as adults, when we would rather stay in bed but we know that it isn’t acceptable to stay away without a genuine reason. Children learn from example and listen to their grown up. Sometimes a little encouragement can help a child who ‘Feels sick’ to suddenly feel better.