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Newsletter 12 – Summer Term 9th July 2015
FS2 Homework
Literacy – Talk to your child about healthy food. Help them to draw and label a picture or collage of a healthy meal. Draw a circle on a page in their homework book or if you have one, use a paper plate.
Numeracy – Help your child to double numbers. Make a fruit kebab and talk about doubling the amounts of fruit chosen.
Year 1 & 2 Homework
We would like you to think about all the lovely topics that we have covered this year. What did you enjoy most? Do you have a special memory? Please write about it in your homework book. Also, tell us what you are looking forward to when you move into your new class.
On last week’s newsletter we praised two of our pupils for achieving 100% attendance during KS1. After further checks we are thrilled to inform you that Jack Morris in Class 8 also achieved 100% attendance during Year 1 & 2. Well done Jack, what a fabulous achievement!
Reading Books
We have noticed that there are a number of Guided Reading Books and Gold Sticker Books missing from school. Could you please have a good look in book bags, under beds and inside cupboards to see if you have any hiding anywhere at home? There will be a box provided in main reception for you to drop them in should you find any. Thank you
The cleaners will be doing a thorough clean of the cloakrooms during the holidays. Therefore, please make sure that all items of clothing, bags and shoes are taken home at the end of term. Also, all items of lost property will be placed on the stage in the main hall next Friday. Any unclaimed items will be taken to the recycle centre.
Health & Safety
To avoid accidents, we would remind you that scooters and bikes should be dismounted before bringing them onto school premises and should not be used on the playgrounds.
We are pleased to let you know that the profit from the Summer Fair was £489.74. Thank you for your support.
Dry Land Regatta & Family Fun Day
On Saturday 11th July, 12 noon to 5.30pm, Bramley & Wickersley Lions Club and Rotherham Sitwell Rotary Club will be holding their Dry Land Regatta at Wickersley School and Sports College. Entrance is £1 for adults and 50p for children. There will be a variety of stalls, live bands and musical groups and a fun fair. All welcome.
Class of the week – 29th June – 3rd July 2015
Congratulations to Class 7 who are class of the week with a level of 99.3%.
Class of the Year
After achieving an attendance level of 96.8% for the school year, Mrs Stothard’s class are Class of the Year and have earned themselves a dip in the treasure chest. Congratulations, we are very proud of you.
Diary Dates
FS2, Y1, Y2 Sports Day Friday 10th July @ 9.15am
Leavers Assembly for parents Tuesday 14th July @ 2pm
Parent Walk about Infants & Juniors Tuesday 14th July
(More details to follow)
Y2 Leavers Disco Wednesday 15th July 3.15pm – 4.15pm
Break up for Summer Holidays Friday 17th July @ 2.30pm