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Newsletter 12

By 4 April 2014December 17th, 2014

Happy Home Learning

What numbers can you see in the registration plate of your car? Which is the smallest number? Which is the largest number? Practise writing these numbers at home.


Literacy – In literacy this week we have been very excited about seeing our own chickens hatch out of their eggs. Can you write two sentences of information about chickens? You could also sing the chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken song to a grown up.

Maths – In maths we have been learning about patterns. Can you draw an Easter egg and create your own repeating pattern? 

Year 1 Homework

Literacy – Tell your grown up about your ‘Meet a creature’ experience this week! Can you write some information about the different animals? We have been learning about poetry too. Can you research some mini beast poems and write them down?

Numeracy – We are learning about pictograms. Can you make a pictogram of your family’s favourite puddings? Ask and answer questions like, “What is the most popular?”

Year 2 Homework

Spellings – who, what, where, when, sometimes, closely

Phonics – We have been learning about contractions e.g. can’t from can not & haven’t from have not. Can you think of some and list them in your homework book?

Maths – Go on a 2d shape hunt. How many can you find? Draw and label them in your book.

Creative – Can you make a boat that floats? Use any material you want. Can it have a sails too?

Non Uniform Day – Friday 11th April

Mrs Shaw would like to thank everyone who has kindly donated their old shoes for her Kenya Project; lots of children will have happy faces when they are given a pair to wear.  Also, to help raise funds for this project we will be holding a non uniform day next Friday when children can come to school dressed in clothing of their choice. There will be a donation box available in each classroom for your kind contributions. We wish Mrs Shaw all the best as she travels out to Kenya during the Easter Holidays. Details & information about the project can be found at

Class of the week 24th – 28th March

Well done to the children in Unit 2. They had an overall attendance level of 97.9% and are ‘Class of the Week’.

Easter Bonnet Parade – Wednesday 9th April

We are looking forward to seeing lots of colourful, imaginative designs next week when we hold our Easter Bonnet Parade. Children can also wear them after school to the Easter Extravaganza.

Donations of Buns/Cakes

If you are able to donate any buns or cakes for the bun stall at the FABSS Easter Extravaganza please bring them to reception.

Morrison’s Easter Colouring Competition

There is still time to send in your Easter Pictures. A representative from Morrison’s will be collecting them tomorrow. Please make sure they are handed in to reception first thing.

St Francis Church – Bramley

On Good Friday St Francis Church will be holding a Good Friday Family Event between 10am and 12pm. There will lots of fun Easter activities for the children to enjoy. Everyone is welcome.

School Dinners

The choices on the menu will change slightly after the Easter Holiday. The new menu can be viewed on the school website and is also displayed on the notice boards. If you would like a copy please ask at reception.

Diary Dates

Week Beginning 7th April                      Parent Consultations

Wednesday 9th April                          Fabss Eggstravaganza

Friday 11th April 3.15pm                     Break up for the Easter Holidays at 3.15pm

Monday 28th April                             Return to school for Summer Term

Monday 5th May                               School closed for May Day Holiday

Friday 23rd May                               Break up for Spring Half Term

Monday 2nd June                              Return to school

Friday 20th June                              Inset Day

Friday 18th July                               Break up for Summer Holidays at 2.30pm