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Newsletter 13 – 8th December 2016

By 8 December 2016

Newsletter 13 – Autumn Term 8th December

Happy Home Learning
We have enjoyed our visit to Sundown Adventureland this week and would like you to draw a picture of your favourite part of the visit.
Foundation Stage 2
This week we had an amazing visit to Sundown! We just loved meeting Father Christmas and going on his magical sleigh ride. At school we have been using photos from our visit to write a recount of our day. In your homework, book please can you write a sentence about your favourite part of the day.
In maths we have been adding. We have practised adding 2 single digit numbers together using a range of practical objects. With your grown up can you practise adding 2 amounts together using objects around your house to help? You might even choose to write the number sentence in your homework book.
Year 1
Literacy – Please continue to read your reading book. Also, find another story of your choice to read. Can you write or draw a picture about your favourite part of the story.
Year 2
Literacy – Please practise the common exception word which can be found on page 26 and 27 of the diary.
Maths – Can you practise halving and doubles up to 20? Please write them down in your diary.
The overall level of attendance attained for November is 94.8%, which is below the expected level of 96%.
Phonics is a website based online reading program designed by a teacher to help children learn to read in a more fun and engaging way. There are phonics games which will help your child learn the 44 phonetic sounds of the English language. By turning phonics lessons into phonics games, students stay engaged longer and concentrate may. There is a link on the school website or just enter the following into your browser.
Stepping Stones
Tickets are still available for the Stepping Stones Christmas party at Sunnyside Community Centre on Tuesday 13th Dec 1pm-2.30pm. The cost is £2.50 per child. Please ring 01709 334417 to book. Thank you
Class of the Week –
Congratulations to the children in Unit 3 who have attained an attendance level of 99.3%.
Diary Dates
Thursday 15th December Christmas Dinner
Friday 16th December School closes for the Christmas Holidays at 2.05pm
Tuesday 3rd January Back to School for Spring Term