Happy Home Learning
Please encourage your child to write their name using the correct letter formation. During the Easter break can you be a 'number magnet'? Find numbers around your environment. What numbers can you see? Can you take photographs of the numbers you see in the environment? Enjoy!
Literacy – In the Easter Holidays can you get your favourite Teddy and practise reading your reading book or any book to it at home?
Also, can you play at schools and practise reading and writing phase 3 tricky words?
The tricky words are: he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, they, her, all, are.
Number – Using numbers from 0 – 20 can you pretend to be a bouncing Easter Bunny and have a number hunt around the garden? When you have found them see if you are a clever magic rabbit and put them in order.
Happy Easter!
Year 1 & 2 Homework
See separate topic letter
Non Uniform Day – Friday 11th April
Please remember that tomorrow is non uniform day. All children can come to school dressed in clothing of their choice for a small donation. All contributions will be given to Mrs Shaw for the Kenya Project. Thank you.
Class of the week 31st March – 4th April
Well done to the children in Mrs Stothard’s class. They have an overall attendance level of 97.9% and are ‘Class of the Week’.
Class of the Spring Term 6th January – 11th April
Mrs Stothard’s class are amazing! They are ‘Class of the Term’ with an overall level of 97%. They are also currently in the lead for ‘Class of the Year’ with a level of 96.9%, closely followed by Miss Barrs’s class (95.9%) and tying for third place are Mrs Bonnington/Mrs Jones’s and Mrs Turner’s class (95.7%). There is still a full term left for attendance levels to change and every child can help to make a difference to improve the level of their class.
Puppet Show
We would like to say a big ‘Thank you’ to our friends from Maltby Salvation Army who presented an Easter Themed puppet show for our children. Everyone enjoyed listening to the stories and singing along to the songs. Sylvia Bird (The Puppeteer) commented on how well behaved and polite our children are and is looking forward to coming back to our school again soon.
Easter Bonnet Parade
Wow! The school was very colourful yesterday as the children paraded their beautiful bonnets. There were some spectacular designs and it was very difficult for our judges to choose the winners. Well done to everyone who took part and to all the grown ups who helped to make our Easter Bonnet Parade a success.
Our Easter Eggstravaganza was a huge success and we would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who helped in any way. The winners of our competitions are listed below:-
Name the duck SUNNY Katie Marples
How much do I weigh? 175g Lucy Erwin
How many marshmallows in the Jar? 90 Aiden Coggin
St Francis Church – Bramley
On Good Friday St Francis Church will be holding a Good Friday Family Event between 10am and 12pm. There will lots of fun Easter activities for the children to enjoy. Everyone is welcome and a free lunch is included.
May we take this opportunity to wish you a happy and safe Easter Holiday and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 28th April for the start of the Summer Term.
Diary Dates
Friday 11th April 3.15pm Break up for the Easter Holidays at 3.15pm
Monday 28th April Return to school for Summer Term
Monday 5th May School closed for May Day Holiday
Tuesday 6th May Y1 Visit to Flamborough Lighthouse
Friday 23rd May Break up for Spring Half Term
Monday 2nd June Return to school
Friday 20th June Inset Day
Friday 18th July Break up for Summer Holidays