Newsletter 14 – Autumn Term 2015 – 10th December 2015
Whole School Homework
During the last two weeks our children have shown much enthusiasm in taking part in their Christmas performances ‘A miracle in Town’ & ‘Straw & Order’. We would love to know what the children’s thoughts and feelings are now the performances are over and also what their ‘grown ups’ thought about the singing and acting.
Therefore, we would like all the children, with your help, to write a short review of their Christmas performance. What did they enjoy most? Which was their favourite song? Maybe they could interview you to find out what you liked most about it. If writing is too tricky, ask your child to draw a picture of their favourite scene or character. Once we have all the reviews and pictures we will make a ‘Christmas Performance Memory Book’ so that all our special memories can be saved.
Class of the Week – 30th November – 4th December
Congratulations to the children in Class 6 for attaining an attendance level of 98%.
Attendance Incentive
SIV, the operational arm of Sheffield City Trust Group, are running a pupil attendance scheme in support of children demonstrating high attendance during the academic year and our school is taking part in this initiative.
Children achieving our attendance target (95.7%) for the Autumn term will receive a swimming pass to use at a specified venue. Children achieving the target in the Spring and Summer term combined will receive a free ice skating pass to be used in the six week holidays at Ice Sheffield! There are currently 172 children on target to receive a swimming voucher which will be sent out next week.
School Dinners
We would remind you that your child must remain on school dinners or packed lunch from home for the full week. Swapping daily or only having school dinners on a day when the hot choice is something they particularly enjoy is not allowed. Also, please do not send in fizzy drinks or glass bottles when you provide a packed lunch from home.
Flu Immunisation – Reminder
The school nurse will be in school on Friday afternoon (11th December) to administer the flu immunisation to the children whose parent/carer have given consent.
Fabss Winter Wonderland
The profit from Winter Wonderland was £1014.54 (not including the raffle). Fabss would like to express their gratitude to the volunteers, staff and those who donated and supported the event.
Parent/Carer SPaG Class
Would you like to brush up on your literacy skills? Do you rely on ‘spellcheck’ to make sure your spelling and punctuation is correct? Then why not join us at one of two Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Sessions. All are welcome and the sessions will take place on Tuesday 19th January at 9am and 5pm in the Infant School Hall. A consultant from the Local Authority will be joining us to explain the expectations of the new national curriculum which your children will need to fulfil. If you are interested please inform the office staff. Thank you.
E Safety Information Sessions for Parents
We hope to host an information session in the New Year for parents. Please keep looking for further details on forthcoming Newsletters.
Christmas Party Clothes
Children will be welcome to attend school in non-uniform and wear casual or party clothes for this day. Please note the children will still be going out to play as usual so please do not send them in anything too precious as it will need to withstand the demands of the day.
Christmas Dates
Tuesday 15th December FS2/Y1/Y2 Parties
Wednesday 16th December FS1 Parties
Wednesday 16th December Visit from Father Christmas
Thursday 17th December Christmas Celebration at St Francis Church Y1/Y2
Thursday 17th December Christmas Celebration Assembly – Foundation Stage 2
Thursday 17th December Christmas Dinner
Friday 18th December Close for Christmas Holidays @ 2.30pm
Diary Dates 2016
Monday 4th January Return to school
Thursday 11th January Parent Forum meeting @ 2.15pm & 4pm
Tuesday 19th January @ 9am & 5pm Parent Information Sessions for SPaG
Friday 5th February School closes for Half Term
Monday 15th February School closed for Inset Day
Tuesday 16th February School resumes