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Whole School Homework

When Father Christmas visited school yesterday he set our children a ‘Christmas Quest’. He would like them all to read or listen to the poem ‘Twas the night before Christmas’ to find out and then write down the names of all his reindeer. They are tricky names to spell so your child might need some help from a grown up. If you do not have the poem you could search for it on Google.

Class of the Week/Term

Congratulations to the children in Class 6. You have achieved an attendance level of 96% and are ‘Class of the Week’. Our Class of the Term with an overall attendance level of 97.9% are Class 6. We are very proud of you.

Attendance – School Target 95.7%

We continually monitor the attendance levels of our children and of the school as a whole and send data to the Local Authority on a monthly basis. The levels we have achieved so far are outlined below.

September 96.6%     Target achieved

October 95.7%        Target achieved

November 95.3%      Target not achieved – High illness level

Early indications show that we will not achieve our target for December due again to a high level of absence from illness. We understand that illness is unavoidable and expect our level of attendance to improve in the Spring Term. Also, each parent/carer will receive a letter in January outlining the level of attendance achieved by their child for the Autumn Term. There are 60 children who have achieved a level of 100% and we are extremely proud of their achievement.

Education Visit Y1

We would like to inform you in advance of an Educational Visit to Eureka which has been organised for our Year 1 children. The visit will take place on Friday 23rd January and will cost £15 per child. Letters with further details will be sent out during the first week of January.

Watch Found

A watch has been found in the dining hall. If you think that it might be yours please enquire at Main Reception.


Family Links – Nurturing Programme at Silver Birch

We have been asked to inform you of a 4 week Parenting Workshop entitled The Family Link Parenting Puzzle Workshop which helps to improve relationships and emotional well-being within families. There are two courses available, the first starts on Wednesday January 14th to Wednesday February 4th or alternatively Wednesday February 25th to February March 18th. For further information please contact Julie Wilkinson on 07717733260 or email A free crèche will be provided.

St Francis Church

Our FS2, Y1 and Y2 children have enjoyed their visit St Francis Church today for our annual Christmas Celebration. If you would like to attend church for any of the planned Christmas Services please pick up an invitation from reception. Details are also displayed on the notice board. Thank you

Diary Dates

School closes at the earlier time of 2.30pm tomorrow

Return to school                                   Monday 5th January

Year 2 at Multi Sport Day                    Friday 9th January (letter to follow)

Year 1 visit to Eureka                           Friday 23rd January (letter to follow)

School Closes February Half Term       Friday 13th February (usual time)

Inset Day                                             Monday 23rd February

Back to school                                      Tuesday 24th February


A special thank you

The staff and I would like to say a heartfelt thank you for all the lovely cards, gifts and wishes from children and parents. We appreciate the time it has taken for you to pass these on at what we know is an extremely busy time of year for you all.

We would also like to thank all our parents, family and friends for the many ways in which they have supported school throughout the Autumn Term and wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. We look forward to seeing you refreshed and ready for new exciting learning in the New Year.