Newsletter 16 Autumn Term – 21st December 2017
Whole School Christmas Holiday Homework
10 Christmas challenges
• Tell the Christmas Story to someone
• Watch a Christmas movie
• Read a Christmas book
• Spend time talking with your family
• Eat your favourite food
• Make somebody smile or laugh
• Do something kind for somebody
• Help your grownups with something
• Go for a winter walk
• Play a board game
And finally come back to school in 2018 excited for lots of new learning.
A Little bit of Extra Homework for our Older Children
Year 1
Can your child sequence the days of the week? Practise saying them in order. Check your child knows the sequence by asking questions such as;-
Which day comes after ¬¬¬ …………….? Which day comes before ……………….?
Year 2
We have been practising doubling. Can you count your Christmas presents in 2’s? Count how many sweets you eat and double it. When you go for a winter walk, count your steps to a given number e.g. 5, stop and double it (10), then count backwards in 2’s from (10) until you get to 0 each time you take a step. Make up some doubling challenges of your own and have fun while you learn.
New Starters September 2018 – Foundation Stage 1
On Friday 12th January we will be sending out letters offering a place in our Foundation Stage 1 setting to parents of children who are on our list. There will once again be part time (15 hours) AM and PM places offered, with a limited number of places available for children whose parents are eligible for free 30 hours childcare. All places are offered on a first come first served basis, therefore, to avoid disappointment, it is important that all children born between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2015 are registered with the school. Please telephone or pop into school and speak to the office staff if you need to register your child. Also, we would be grateful in you could inform any family or friends who may have a child who was born in this time frame but is not yet registered at school.
Christmas Performance Collections
We would like to thank all the parents, carers and family members who came to watch our Christmas Performances and for giving generously to our Christmas Fundraising Appeal. PACT -The Parents’ Association for Children with Tumours and Leukaemia, is a charity that works within Sheffield Children’s hospital with patients and families affected by cancer and your contributions have helped to raise £388.45, which will now be sent to them. Thank you!
FABSS are thrilled to announce that a total of £1419 at Winter Wonderland (£954 at the event and £465 from the raffle) and would like to thank everyone for their support.
Y2 Visit to EIS
Thank you to everyone who has returned the consent slip and meal choice for the visit to EIS. May we remind parents/carers that we need the slip back tomorrow.
Class of the Week – 4th to 8th December
Class 7 are ‘Class of the Week’ after attaining a level of 99.6%. Well done everyone!
Class of the Term
The table shows the overall level of attendance each class attainted for the Autumn Term. Congratulations to Class 7 who are Class of the Term.
Unit 2 92.4
Unit 3 95.1
Unit 4 92.0
Class 5 95.2
Class 9 97.0
Class 8 96.7
Class 6 96.8
Class 10 95.9
Class 7 97.3
Diary Dates
School Closes for Christmas Friday 22nd December @ 2.05pm
St Francis’ Church Christingle Service Sunday 24th December 4pm & 6pm
Optician in FS2 Wednesday 10th January
Y2 Visit to EIS Friday 12th January
FS1 New Starter Letters Posted Out Friday 12th January
Inset Days
Friday 9th February 2018
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018
And finally………………
I would like to say a big ‘Thank you’ on behalf of all the staff for the many lovely Christmas cards, gifts and warm wishes we have received. May we take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
We look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday January 8th 2018 when learning begins again in earnest.