Newsletter 2 Autumn Term – 14th September
Happy Home Learning
Thank you to the families who have already sent in their family photographs. Our family tree is blossoming nicely in our role play area. We would love to display photographs of all our families. Please could you bring to school a photo of your family with a little note of everyone’s names? Please enjoy reading stories together at home and remember that our gold sticker book collection is available at the beginning of every session. We would love to see all our children with a book bag and choosing a gold book everyday over the next week.
Foundation Stage 2 – No Homework
Year 1
Maths – We have been using the language of comparison for length and height. Can you find 3 objects and order them by length or height and label using long, longer, longest or tall, taller, tallest.
Literacy – We have read the story of the smartest giant by Julia Donaldson. You could share this story on youtube. Can you plan a new outfit for the smartest giant. Draw and label his clothing using adjectives to describe each item. E.g a smart, white shirt. A long, spotty tie.
Spellings of the week – I like my we you for
Year 2
Maths – Count forwards and backwards in 2’s orally from 0 to 30 and 1 to 29. Can you challenge yourself up to 50?
Literacy – Watch the video clip below of ‘The Paperbag Princess’ and describe the character of the Princess.
Spellings – gem, giant, giraffe, magic, gentle
Stay & Learn Sessions
The first Stay & Learn Sessions of the school year will focus on handwriting. Each session will begin with a brief meeting in the hall at 2.15pm after which you can join your child in their classroom. Entrance will be via the main entrance on the following days:-
Foundation Stage 2 Monday 25th September
Year 1 Wednesday 27th September
Year 2 Thursday 28th September
Foundation Stage
Could you please label your child’s shoes? Often several children have the same style of shoe which makes it difficult for staff to identify which little feet they belong to. Also, we are in need of spare underwear, socks and tights for if anyone has any suitable that they do not need any more. Thank you
Head Lice
There have been a number of cases of Head Lice reported in school. Could you please check your child’s hair and treat as appropriate following the advice at (search Head Lice).
Messy Church – St Francis’ Church
Messy Church will start again on Sunday 1st October and then on the first Sunday of each month. Each session begins at 4pm until 6pm and includes activities, worship and a meal. All welcome!
Diary Dates
FS2 Stay & Learn Monday 25th September
Year 1 Stay & Learn Wednesday 27th September
Year 2 Stay & Learn Thursday 28th September
School Closes for Half Term Friday 27th October
Back to School Tuesday 7th November
School Closes for Christmas Friday 22nd December
Inset Days
Monday 6th November 2017
Friday 9th February 2018
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018