Newsletter 2 – Summer Term 4th May 2017
Happy Home Learning
This week we have enjoyed our visit. What was your favourite part of the day at Sherwood Pines? Can you draw a picture of your day? We would love to see your happy home learning next week in school; remember to write your name on your picture!
Foundation Stage 2
For your homework this week we would like you to draw a picture of your favourite activity from our visit to Sherwood Pines and write a sentence about it.
In maths we have been learning about halving. We enjoyed a Gruffalo’s picnic and helped the Gruffalo halve all of his food with Mouse. Can you tell your grown up what halving is and practise halving different objects around your house?
Year 1
Spellings – when, what, who, why, do, how, is, was, were
Please read your reading books. Can you spot different types of sentences? (i.e. commands, statements, exclamations!)
Maths – We have been learning about money in Maths. Can you count some amounts of money and find different ways of making amounts.
Year 2
Maths – Choose a number between one and ten. Add 10 to it. Divide it by 2. Can you estimate whether or not you will have a remainder? Repeat with other numbers.
Literacy – Please watch the following clip where Augustus Gloop gets sucked up the pipe. Write down the commands you hear the characters give.
Internet Safety
Last week the children in FS2, Year 1 and Year 2 attended an internet safety assembly. They were told how to use the internet safely and the dangers that they might encounter. Talk to your child about what they learnt and help them to put it into practise.
I am pleased to inform you that an overall attendance level of 96.5% was attained for March. However, the figures which have been submitted for April indicate that the level achieved is only 92%, mainly due to an unusual amount of chicken pox over the last few weeks. This low level will have a significant impact on the overall attendance for the school year and given that the level of requests to take holidays during term time have increased during the Summer Term, we are in danger of once more failing to meet our annual target. I would remind you that term time holidays will not be authorised and will be marked on your child’s record as unauthorised absence and if your child’s attendance level is below 96% for the past three terms when leave is requested, the authority will be informed and a Fixed Penalty Notice will be issued. We will continue to keep you updated of our progress with regards to attendance on our newsletters and look forward to your continued support during the remainder of the school year.
Class of the Week 24th – 28th April
Class 8 are ‘Class of the Week’ having attained a level of 97.2%.
Spare Clothes
We are in need of spare clothes, particularly trousers for Foundation Stage. If your child has outgrown theirs, we would be much appreciated if you could send them to school for use when accidents happen. Thank you
Football for Year 2 Girls
Bramley Sunnyside Junior FC would like to invite current Y1 and Y2 girls to a football session on Saturday 20th May, 10.30am to 11.30am at the Ruby Cook Recreation Groud. For further details please contact Jayne on 07570 132113.
Sleep Course
Many children and adults have problems with sleep and bedtime routines. The Sleep Tight Course’ is a 6 week course run by the Outreach Team at Stepping Stones. For further information or to register your interest, please call 01709 334417.
Dates for your Diary
Monday 15th May Parent Forum Meeting @ 2pm
Friday 26th May School closes for Spring Bank Half Term
Monday 5th June Back to School
Thursday 8th June Class Photographs
(No individual photographs will be taken on this occasion)
Thursday 15th June Inset Day
Friday 16th June Inset Day
Tuesday 25th July School closes for the Summer Holidays
Inset Days – Sept 2017 to July 2018
Monday 4th September 2017 (School year begins on Tuesday 5th September)
Monday 6th November 2017 (October Half Term Previous Week)
Friday 9th February 2018 (February Half Term Following Week)
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018 (School closes for the Summer Holidays on Friday 20th July 2018)