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Newsletter 3 – Spring Term January 21st 2015
Happy Home Learning This week we have been practising counting and recognising numbers. Enjoy counting time around your house together. Please help your child to count the following, how many windows are in your house? How many are upstairs? How many are downstairs? Practise writing these numbers at home.
Foundation 2 Homework Literacy – This week we have been reading ‘The three little pigs’. Can you practice writing a sentence about the story? We have also learnt the sounds oo, ow, ar & or. ask your child about the tricky oo sounds? Can they tell you it’s two sounds?
Numeracy – This week we have been learning about time and have talked about the seasons and months of the year. Please practice telling the time at home.
Year 1 Homework Literacy – Create your own minion potion and tell us what it includes. Make a list in your homework book.
Spellings – Practise words ending in ‘s’ e.g. cakes, codes, toes and makes.
Numeracy – Add on from a 2 digit number by counting on e.g. put 15 in your head and using 4 objects add on 4. Don’t forget to include the number sentence.
Year 2 Homework Spellings – beautiful, astounding, amazing, crunching, pounding, wonderful
Literacy – Please make a WANTED poster about our rampaging aliens. Don’t forget to use lots of adjectives. You could even try getting creative and try making an alien.
Maths – Can you partition 2 or 3 digit numbers? Show how many 10’s & units or 100’s, 10’s & units there are.
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Visit to Eureka
Please ensure that your child arrives at school for 8am tomorrow, for registration so that the coaches can leave at 8.15am prompt. Also, the children will be inside during the visit so will not need to wear their wellies. Thank you
Class of the week – January 5th to 9th
Congratulations to Class 5 who achieved a level of 98.7%. We are very proud of you.
Medical Appointments
Please inform the office staff, not the class teacher, if your child is going to be absent from school because of a medical appointment so that the absence can be entered directly onto the electronic register.
NSPCC Sponsor Forms
Please remember that your sponsor forms should be returned by Monday 26th January.
We would respectfully remind parents/carers to refrain from parking on the zig zag lines or across resident’s driveways when dropping off or collecting children from school. Please be considerate to other road users and help us to ensure the safety of our pupils and those who visit the school.
Messy Church – St Francis Church
St Francis Church will be holding two ‘Messy Church’ sessions between 4pm & 6pm on Sunday 1st February and Sunday 1st March. This will include crafts, celebration and food. All welcome.
Diary Dates 2015
Year 1 visit to Eureka Friday 23rd January
School Closes for Half Term Friday 13th February (usual time)
Stay and Learn Sessions
Thank you to all our parents/carers who were able to participate in our Stay and Learn Sessions last week. We trust that you found it enjoyable and informative and would appreciate your feedback. Please complete and return the following questionnaire.

Name of Child………………………………………… Class………………………………………………..

What was the most useful aspect?

What was the least useful aspect?

Would you attend further Stay & Learn Sessions?

What would you like further sessions to focus on?