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Newsletter 3 Spring Term – 25th January 2017

By 25 January 2018, School News

Happy Home Learning
This week Barnaby has taken the children to Italy. We have been learning all about the country, the foods they eat and we have also enjoyed making our own passports. Please talk with your family and find out if any of them have been to Italy? Discuss what you have learnt about Italy with your family. The children have also been learning the letter ‘s’, please practise at home using the hand write rhyme ‘slither down the snake’. We have also been exploring the number 2 and learning how to write a 2, please practise at home saying the handwrite rhyme ‘Around and back on a railroad track, two, two, two.’ Can you find a ‘s’ or a ‘2’ in any of your books or while out and about in the local area. Remember those Fred Frog legs children when you are writing!

FS2 Homework
This week in literacy Barnaby Bear has been in Italy! We have been learning about different Italian foods and wrote a list of ingredients to make pizza. For your homework this week you could have a go at making pizza with your grown ups! You could take a photo of your pizza and bring it in to show us.
In maths we have been combining 2 groups of objects and counting all of them to find the total. To help with this we would like you to practise 1:1 counting on the Teddy Bear Counting game on

Year 1 Homework
Please read your reading book. Can you retell the story in order? If you are reading a non-fiction book can you explain what you have learned?
Spellings of the week – we are they have liked catch live eyes good saw
Maths – Make and solve your own Reduction word problems e.g First there were 4 cars in the car park. Then 3 cars drove away. Now there is 1 car left in the car park.
Can you represent your story as a picture and/or sentence?

Year 2 Homework
Literacy – Listen to the story ‘The Giant of Jum’ on youtube. What is your favourite line that the giant says? Please rehearse it ready to share next week.
Maths – Can you make your own multiplication number sentence using everyday objects? Take a photograph of it and record the number sentence.
e.g. a picture of 5 pairs of wellington boots
5 x 2 = 10

Spellings – monkey, valley, donkey, chimney, valley
Can you think of other words that end in –ey?

Healthy Schools
KS1 parents please look out for a healthy schools leaflet that will be coming home with your child this week. It has a 7 day challenge for your children to complete. If your child can complete and tick all 7 challenges please return this to their class teacher and they will receive a certificate.

NSPCC Big Workout
Thank you to everyone who has already returned their Big Work Out Sponsor Forms. Please remember that these need to be brought back to school for Monday, when the representative from the NSPCC will be in school to collect them.

Class of the Week –15th to 19th January
Congratulations to Class 8 who have attained a level of 99.3%.

Early Words Together
This is an exciting parent workshop for parents of Foundation stage children. The course will take place on the following dates over a five week period. A letter giving further details has been emailed to all parents of children in FS1 and FS2.

Monday 19th February 1.30pm-2.45pm
Monday 26th February 1.30pm-2.45pm
Monday 5th March 1.30pm-2.45pm
Monday 12th March 1.30pm-2.45pm
Monday 19th March 1.30pm-2.45pm

Attendance Letters
As you are aware, we continually monitor attendance and strive to achieve our target of 96%. As part of this process, we would like to make you aware of your child’s level of attendance for the Autumn Term. Therefore, we are in the process of collating this information which will be sent to you in due course. Please note that we are aware of any special circumstances that contribute to an attendance level being particularly low (i.e. unavoidable or long term illness) and take this into consideration when liaising with the Education Welfare Officer.

Breakfast Club
There are now limited places available for the Breakfast Club which runs daily from 7.45am to 8.45am. Anyone wishing to register their child should contact the school office. Thank you.

Sickness & Diarrhoea Absence
After taking advice from the Health Protection Agency, School Nurse & Education Welfare Service, our school Governing Body have agreed that the attendance policy will now be to recommend an exclusion period from school of 48 hours for any children who are suffering from sickness or diarrhoea. Therefore, in order to avoid passing on this type of illness to other children and staff, a child should stay at home and not return to school until 48 hours after their last bout of sickness or diarrhoea. Your co-operation in this matter is much appreciated.

Football Nets
If you have any old football nets that you no longer need we would be happy to make use of them in school. Please contact the school office or talk to a member of staff if you can help.

….and finally

Health & Safety Notice
I was disappointed on Monday morning to be called outside at the beginning of the school day to deal with a few children who had been throwing stones, one of which hit the office window. Fortunately, on this occasion, there was no damage to the window and no-one was hurt. The safety of children, staff, parents and visitors to our school is of uppermost importance and I would urge all parents and carers to keep their children under strict supervision whist they are in your care on the school premises. Thank you
Mrs M Smith

Diary Dates
Break up for Half Term Thursday 8th February
School Resumes Monday 19th February

Inset Days
Friday 9th February 2018
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018