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Newsletter 3 Summer Term – 11th May 2017

By 11 May 2017Newsletter

Newsletter 3 – Summer Term 11th May 2017
Happy Home Learning
Can you practice the number 3? Remember we say “round the tree, round the tree” as we write. Also, we would like you to bring a family photo to school on Monday. Foundation Stage 2
Literacy – This week we would like all children to practise writing their full name (Christian and Surname) and be secure in doing this independently by the end of this half term in readiness for assessments and entry to Year One.
Numeracy – We have been learning how to double numbers. We have been working with numbers to 10 and have used counters to check / count amounts to find a double
e.g. 3 – double it = 3+3 = 6. So, double 3 equals 6. Please practise doubling this week and if you have a game of Dominoes, see if you can point out doubles.
Year 1
Literacy – Please read your reading book. Can you find any contractions? (Words that are made from 2 separate words that have been pushed together). The apostrophe represents the missing letters.
Spellings – I’, I’ll, I’d, we, will, would, wouldn’t, could, couldn’t, don’t, can’t
Maths – We have used the part part whole strategy to split numbers and to work out a missing part. Use equipment to make a ‘whole’ number. Split it into two parts and tell the story.
e.g. I started with 8, I split it into two parts, this part is 6, this part is 2, 6 & 2 is equal to 8 or 8 is equal to 6 and 2.
You could write it like this


6 2

6 + 2 = 8 or 8 = 6 + 2
Year 2
The Year 2 children have worked incredibly hard during the last two weeks whilst concentrating on their SATS papers. For their homework this week we would like them to play outside and enjoy the fresh air, go for walk to the park, eat ice cream and have a fabulous time with their family and friends.
Class of the Week 1st – 5th April
What a fabulous week! Class 9 is ‘Class of the Week’ with a perfect 100% attendance level. Unit 4 attained a level of 99.6% and Class 8 attained a level of 99.1% and we are very proud of all 3 classes.
Lost Property
Once more, we have a large number of school jumpers, coats and lunch boxes etc. which have been left in school. Please check that your child has all their belongings with them when you collect them from school at the end of the day and make sure that their name is clearly marked somewhere on their belongings to help staff identify their owner when they are mislaid. Thank you.
Parent Forum Meeting – Monday 15th May at 2pm.
Your school invites you to participate in our next parent forum meeting on Monday 15th May at 2pm. Within this meeting we will be discussing our recent Charter Gold accreditation and update you on the upcoming events within school. We would like to celebrate our achievement of securing parent charter with a celebration event in school. We would like your ideas of how we can make our celebration day a ‘whole school family event’.
Please come along for a chat and chill in our new school kitchen, refreshments will be provided. We would love to hear your views.
Wickersley Kids Club
Wickersley Kids Club is taking bookings for their half term kids club ‘To infinity and Beyond’. For further details or to book a place for your child call 07960960331
Wickersley Library Half Term Activity
Wickersley Library will be holding an activity session for 4-11 year olds during the half term holiday during which each child will make a cress-head window box. The event takes place on Tuesday 30th May at 10.30am – 11.30am and will cost only 50p per child. Booking is essential by calling 01709 544134.will be making cress-head window-boxes.
Dates for your Diary we will be making cress-head window-boxes.
Monday 15th May Parent Forum Meeting @ 2pm
Friday 26th May School closes for Spring Bank Half Term
Monday 5th June Back to School
Thursday 8th June Class Photographs
(No individual photographs will be taken on this occasion)
Monday 12th June @ 2pm Y2 Parents Transition Meeting at Juniors
Thursday 15th June Inset Day
Friday 16th June Inset Day
Tuesday 25th July School closes for the Summer Holidays

Inset Days – Sept 2017 to July 2018
Monday 4th September 2017 (School year begins on Tuesday 5th September)
Monday 6th November 2017 (October Half Term Previous Week)
Friday 9th February 2018 (February Half Term Following Wee
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018 (School closes for the Summer Holidays on Friday 20th July 2018)