Happy Home Learning
Please practise our rhyme of the week with your child at home, Cows in the Kitchen and don’t forget to enjoy writing your name in lots of creative ways ready for our sponsored name write.
Our letter of the week is ‘S’. How many things can you find beginning with ‘S’? Look around your house and out and about. What names can you think of that begin with ‘S’?
Foundation 2 Homework
In maths we would like you to practise repeating patterns. Can you design your own Easter egg using repeating patterns? Draw the egg template in your homework book and use colours to make your pattern.
Year 1 Homework
Year 2 Homework
Pizza Role Play
Do you work in a Pizza shop or restaurant or know anyone who does? If so, we really need your help! Foundation Stage 1 is looking forward to having a Pizza Role Play area after the half term holidays. To make this as authentic as possible we would love to have some pizza boxes, cups, menu’s etc. for the children to use. If you can help in any way please let the office staff know or take you Pizza goodies to the Foundation Unit. Thank you
Marathon Success
Class of the Week
The children in Class 5 have attained an attendance level 97.9% and are this weeks ‘Class of the Week’
Breakfast Club
The breakfast club still has places available at a cost of £2.50 per child. Sessions start at 7.45am each morning and breakfast is provided. All children are taken to their classrooms to begin the school day by the Breakfast Club Staff. For further information or to book a place please contact the school office on 01709 543061.
Messy Church
Messy Church will once again take place at St Francis’ Church on Sunday. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, games, food and celebration.
FABSS – Bingo Night 6th May 2016
There are still places available for the Bingo Night. For more information or to book please call 07948 998236 or email enquiries@fabss.org.uk
Please remember that school is closed on Monday 2nd May for ‘May Day’ and reopens on Tuesday
Family Fun Day – Clifton Park Museum
Why not drop into Clifton Park Museum on Tuesday 31st May between 11am and 3pm and enjoy activities on Nelson the Lion’s 70th Birthday. There will be opportunities to make a Nelson puppet, paint with a local artist, follow the safari trail and much more. For further information visit the website at www.rotherham.gov.uk/cliftonparkmuseum.
Dry Land Regatta and Family Fun Day
Bramley & Wickersley Lions Club have held a ‘Dry Land Regatta’ for the past three years to raise funds for specific local children’s projects. The event has once more been arranged and will take place on Saturday 9th July. Anyone is invited to participate in the races which could involve family teams, work place teams or individuals, with a focus on friendly rivalry and fun! Anyone wanting to take part or for further information please contact David Drayson on 01709 548549 or email daviddrayson@btinternet.com
Diary Dates
Tests During this month Y2 children sit end of Key Stage Assessment
(An information session for parents will be advertised on our return).
Monday 2nd May May Day Holiday (One day only)
Friday 6th May Fabss Bingo Night
Wednesday 18th May Class Photographs
Thursday 26th May School closes for Spring Bank Half Term
Friday 27th May Inset Day
June During this month Y1 children take the phonics screening check.
(An information session for parents will be advertised on our return).
Monday 6th June Return to School
Friday 17th June Inset Day
Tuesday 19th July School Closes